Example sentences of "its [noun] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But then the entire house , with its views out over the bay and the stunningly wild countryside , was a dream .
2 Italy 's Gucci has already pulled its products out of hundreds of American stores .
3 The firm involved is moving its headquarters out of Britain , and says it will help with the transfer as much as possible , but the news has been greeted with dismay by local business leaders .
4 It is important when testing a cat 's hearing to ensure that you make the noise to check its reactions out of sight of the cat .
5 Wyse Technology 's Link subsidiary has black and white and colour offerings waiting in the wings , Cumulus will have its terminal out within three months and NCR/ADDS will begin volume shipments of its product later this year .
6 For all the apparent scepticism levelled at these bodies from other quarters , the senior financial officers canvassed for their views of the ICAS research study found little to question in its setting out of the existing problems and the responsibilities for central elements of corporate governance .
7 Not so long ago , a haulage company would send its drivers out into the world with few opportunities to communicate with then until they returned .
8 The Metropolitan Line grew fast in the 1860S and 1870S , the District Line joined it and it spread its branches out into the open countryside to the north-west of London .
9 Burning of the Dicranopteris , which acts as a nutrient-conservation system , leads to its shooting out from the rhizomes but trees can not get established .
10 Meanwhile my mind 's racing , or at least trying to race ; right now it feels like it 's stuck at the side of the track trying to get its legs out of its tracksuit bottoms and hopping around and falling down while the race takes place elsewhere .
11 For example , the aerospace sector — one of the most dollar-sensitive industries — has forward cover on its transactions out beyond 1994 and will thus feel little or no benefit from sterling 's fall against the dollar for some time to come .
12 In Britain the defence of the country has been left for centuries to a Navy which did its work out of sight .
13 I am aware of most of its history in America , its formation out of the Pontiac Buggy Company , its takeover by General Motors and its sibling Pontiac — that is all fairly well documented .
14 When a melt of any kind is cooled rapidly , it does not have time to sort its atoms out into the ordered atomic structures of mineral crystals .
15 The cockerel stood braced , shrilling its cry out into the mist , answering other calls from other compounds up and down across the hillside .
16 At the end of this meeting a resolution was approved demanding that Iraq pull its troops out of Kuwait and pay war damages as conditions for a settlement of the crisis .
17 The government was , however , anxious not to provide the LTTE with a propaganda victory by rejecting its initiative out of hand .
18 Mercury Interactive Corp is moving into Europe with its XRunner and TestRunner software quality testing products , opening an office in Paris : it expects 40% of its revenues out of Europe in 18 months .
20 Whilst commercial television could meet its costs out of a pool of advertising revenue that was continually growing , the BBC had to meet its costs out of a licence fee that was , at best , inadequate .
21 Whilst commercial television could meet its costs out of a pool of advertising revenue that was continually growing , the BBC had to meet its costs out of a licence fee that was , at best , inadequate .
22 TopLog says it is only waiting on Univel to get its stuff out of the door and was originally set to go this month .
23 However , CDS is also working on a project that will lead its customers out of the R6000 dead-end , given that MIPS has now ruled out further iterations of its ill-fated ECL part .
24 This means that the value of a firm would indeed rise as it took on more debt because it was paying less of its earnings out to the taxman .
25 This is another reason for travelling with the dog adequately restrained , rather than allowing it to put its head out of the window , like this Newfoundland .
26 Pushing its head out of the way , I thrust the flambeau into its stall , to see if there might be kerosene or paraffin stored there , or at least a good stack of hay .
27 In Europe and America we may try to keep its goods out with tariffs and quotas , but Hong Kong does not retaliate .
28 Even though it had detailed knowledge of the flight 's route so soon after the event , the US government dismissed its claim out of hand hours later , and never explained why .
29 The head of the UNHCR 's Sarajevo office , Tony Land , told reporters yesterday that the agency planned to pull most of its staff out of the city by the weekend .
30 The head of the UNHCR 's Sarajevo office , Tony Land , told reporters yesterday that the agency planned to pull most of its staff out of the city by the weekend .
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