Example sentences of "some [adj] people be " in BNC.

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1 Some rich people are quite human , señor , I promise you ! ’
2 Some 850,000 people are supplied with water with a nitrate concentration above 50 mg/litre .
3 But some old people are philosophical about death — a fact often underestimated by younger people .
4 Good stories are told and enjoyed ; some old people are indeed exceptional , such as the man in his 70s who went parachuting recently , or the trenchant recollections of a man of 108 shown on television .
5 The central problem would seem to be market vagaries ; old people should not be denied the services which they need to survive in the community because there happens to be a shortage in a given locality , or because certain areas are not profitable , or because some old people are less congenial than others .
6 This would be to ensure that , through the vagaries of voluntary or private developments , some old people are not left stranded .
7 It is suggested that it is helpful not to emphasise the problem or disability , as some old people are reluctant to face their inability to continue to cope independently .
8 some old people are like that
9 The demonstrations were broken up by the security forces and according to unsubstantiated BPP sources some 300 people were killed during the security operation .
10 Some 37,000 people were said to have entered the territory from Morocco since September .
11 In February 1992 the government had introduced minimal safety-net welfare payments , for which some 7,400,000 people were estimated to be eligible .
12 The way some some people are top brass of British Gas but er it really is astonishing so when you say that we shall all we shall poorer generally so and yet er .
13 With the food supply situation critical throughout most of the country , UN officials reported on Aug. 31 that some 2,000 people were dying daily .
14 According to opposition parties and human rights groups some 10 people were killed and 50 arrested between Jan. 8 and 11 as the government took reprisals against Habré 's former ministers and members of the embryonic multiparty opposition .
15 More than 400,000 individuals were now classified as homeless and , in the second quarter of this year , some 33,000 people were placed in bed and breakfast accommodation .
16 Some 8,000 people were employed making garments , and the industry in 1990 earned F$183 million , a figure exceeded only by sugar exports ( F$248 million ) and tourism ( F$340 million ) .
17 Some 35 people were arrested , reportedly part of a 300-strong group whose dress showed their " fundamentalist affiliations " and who had intended to disrupt the march .
18 In all , some 600 people were lost .
19 There had been a small number of ‘ slum clearance tenements ’ built in 1924 , but there was major slum clearances in North Shields in the 1930s after the Greenwood Act , when the banksides were almost totally cleared and some 9000 people were moved out , the bulk of them to the Meadowell Estate where 1961 dwellings were built , of which 84% were flats .
20 At any one time , some 200,000 people were in the ET programme .
21 On Aug. 15 a UN flight left Nairobi , carrying high-protein biscuits to Baidoa , where some 500-700 people were estimated to be dying daily .
22 Some 3,000 people were arrested in a security crackdown , including many civilians .
23 There are now over 1,200 different models made and some 2,500 people are employed .
24 Some older people are keen to live in sheltered accommodation where they hope for a combination of independence and security .
25 Director Mike Cairns said having to pay for community care may mean some older people are deterred from asking for help .
26 Another method that has been tested upon some blind people is the regular use of the hormone melatonin , a product of the pineal gland .
27 Its report this week says serious delays of up to a year in awarding benefit to some disabled people was ‘ tantamount to maladministration ’ .
28 Excess alcohol consumption is associated with premature death , and some 1,100 people are killed on the road in the UK each year as a result of drunken driving .
29 Protesting against what they described as years of neglect by the French authorities , young militants among the 420,000-strong community engaged in repeated clashes with police , and some 15 people were injured on July 23-25 .
30 In mid-June Conde had been questioned by police in connection with the discovery of parcels of weapons and political leaflets at the airport ; his summons provoked clashes between his supporters and the security forces , after which some 60 people were arrested and all demonstrations in the capital banned .
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