Example sentences of "some [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 They had to go and give him some support and they put up quite a good fight .
2 Such policies offer the rich some protection as they weaken the resolve of potential revolutionaries .
3 A number of the grants , virtually all of the grants are to voluntary bodies who are providing services which are of considerable benefit to this Committee , and where we would be in some difficulty if they did n't give those of voluntary support to it .
4 The Revenue would have some difficulty if they were to try to apply this head to tax upon the settlor or the spouse of the settlor income validly accumulating in an overseas discretionary trust .
5 The mass of promenaders bulged along in the committee 's wake , creating some difficulty as they turned into the narrow High Street and into Albion Street .
6 BT 's half-year profits are due on Thursday and there will be some gasps when they are unveiled .
7 Bruce Critchley and David Sheehan gave the amateurs some hope when they ran out as comfortable 5 & 3 winners over Ken Bousfield and Geoff Hunt , while Warren Humphreys and Michael Lunt fought out a halved match with Peter Butler and Peter Mills but elsewhere there were wins for Alliss and Hunt ( 4 & 3 ) , Dawson and Platts ( 4 & 3 ) , Clark and Guy Hunt ( 1 hole ) and Wood and Garner ( 3 & 2 ) .
8 There is evidence of criminality and psychotic behaviour in some hyper-kinetics when they reach adulthood , so it is advisable to try to sort out the problem sooner rather than later .
9 The closest they came was in the mid-Eighties when their group , Trash , Flash And Money — ‘ straight down-the-line uninteresting Billy Idol rock music ’ — was signed to a development deal by Capitol records in America ( in a development deal they give you some money while they decide whether you are any cop after all ) .
10 They sent him up to Westlands to earn some money because they could n't pay him much .
11 Now if you have a rolling programme and you wan na say we refurbish four at a time , roughly I would say fifty beds in these two hundred , give or take some money because they vary .
12 He gave her some money and they said goodbye .
13 People embraced and wept , promising to stay in touch , only to realise in some cases that they had no addresses to exchange .
14 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
15 They will disagree in some cases because they disagree about the likely consequences of a particular rule , and in others because they have different visions of what a good community is like .
16 Because the net will inevitably be in close contact with some of the fruit , birds will still do some damage where they can peck through the mesh .
17 Looking back , they would have done a few things quite differently , but they certainly did not conform to the view taken by some authorities that they encountered , that they are children who have ruined their lives and wasted their education .
18 David please will you get me some teabags if they 've got any ?
19 unnamed that is not true and I do agree with Mr that when we make a decision to close some homes that they should be named to avoid the terrible indecision which exists at the moment .
20 At one point they were thought to look peaky so each was given a bottle of Guinness and some oysters and they sat on their little iron beds scoffing them .
21 It 's , it 's erm I think it 's quite interesting cos it 's a different style , in a sense it 's just setting out some goals that they want to achieve but not really giving any clear instruction of how you can achieve those goals .
22 Firstly , some overhead costs are only known some months after they have been incurred .
23 All these points were approved for printing some months before they became official policy .
24 Good stakes can last a long time , but it does help if they are cut some months before they are used , and well seasoned .
25 It is said of some speeches that they smell of the lamp .
26 PANAMA CITY ( AP ) — Panamanian police arrested Ricardo Arias Calderon , the Christian Democrat former vice-presidential candidate , and some supporters as they toured remote provinces urging people to boycott the military-controlled government .
27 Sometimes a teacher may play devil 's advocate , or give the class some dilemma that they have to solve or explain : Why did the Romans decide to invade the island of Britain ?
28 So when he turned to her casually in the car , and suggested that they call in at his house for some tea before they parted , Folly found herself leaping on the suggestion with almost indecent haste .
29 In practice when items of archaeological information , such as the date of the sculpture and its style , are taken into account , we can eliminate some quarries because they are not operational at that date or because we know the sculptors were working in certain places and it is highly improbable that they were using distant rather than local sources .
30 On several occasions they had er displayed guns where people would back into their driveway or er show some indication that they were going on to their property , then guns were revealed , people coming out of the the buildings out there with guns and what have you .
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