Example sentences of "some [vb base] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 1884 a large cache of his letters dating from 1643 to 1648 was discovered , and some have been printed .
2 It is unrealistic to expect GPs to fund such studies , although some have been undertaken by central government ( Anderson , 1989 ) .
3 These are large scale losses and very visible , some have been costed individually and have , individually , cost companies huge amounts .
4 Some have been living for a disconcertingly long time in museums ; but once doubted , the evidence of inadequacy in a fake is quite often soon in coming .
5 To make it easier still , some have been fitted with a Hubmatic system , which raises and lowers the rear of the vehicle .
6 And some have been blown off the face of the earth in massive bomb attacks such as Teebane in Co Tyrone where seven workmen perished in January 1992 when a land mine exploded under their bus .
7 Some have been shot dead at their office desks .
8 It has been said that no application from a major firm for a capacity increment has ever been flatly rejected , although some have been delayed .
9 Some have been done for you .
10 If some have been contaminated by pollution , where does the water end up ?
11 If some have been contaminated by pollution , where does the water end up ?
12 If some have been contaminated by pollution , where does the water end up ?
13 If some have been contaminated by pollution , where does the water end up ?
14 Corpus availability is currently limited due to legal constraints although some have been cleared for academic research .
15 It 's the first time they 've been to Britain , even though some have been teaching English for twenty years ; they 're staying at the Oxford House School of English , and will also visit the Oxford University Press as the trip has been made possible by an East German publishing house .
16 The same problem in France precipitated a national scandal that destroyed careers and even contributed to the defeat of a government : senior public health officials were accused of knowingly allowing contaminated blood to be given to haemophiliacs , resulting in some 1200 infections with HIV and about 300 deaths from AIDS ; some have been convicted and either jailed or given suspended sentences for fraud , criminal negligence , and failure to assist persons in danger .
17 Some have been called by popes , but others called by rulers against papal wishes .
18 and that some have been destroyed unrecognised .
19 Some have been misunderstood !
20 Some organisations already implement voluntary eco-audits , and some have been piloting the new British Standard 7750 .
21 The walks have been arranged to cater for all age groups , with a few designed for those with limited walking ability , and some have been planned to link with bus routes .
22 Some have been toppled , and some are so eroded that they appear to be nothing more than wind-scoured boulders .
23 Some have been trained , others are self-taught .
24 Some have been designated as sites of special scientific interest ( SSSI ) , but these stop at the low-water mark , allowing rubbish dumping further out on the water .
25 More than 55 females , from babies to elderly women , have been killed during the first year of the Uprising ; shot dead with live ammunition , rubber and plastic bullets ; suffocated with tear gas and some have been beaten to death .
26 No one ever says some have been created and all the time they say there are lots of firms which have been created but they they never give that publicity at all !
27 Many of them have had their terms and conditions reduced , some have been dismissed and they now have no one to turn to as they have turned their back on the Trade Union which is their only guarantee of protection ’ .
28 Some have been sighted more than thirty feet in length , cruising almost a kilometre above sea level .
29 The point is not that some have been forgiven a greater number of sins than others or that some are ‘ worse sinners ’ than others but that some see their need of forgiveness and others do not .
30 Some have been killed .
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