Example sentences of "some [noun sg] he have " in BNC.

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1 He felt a superstitious , almost fatalistic reluctance to look too closely now , in case he discovered some horror he had overlooked on that earlier journey , for toe tender was accepted and the price could not be varied .
2 Some let-out he 'd got in the contract .
3 He concluded by referring to some work he had been doing on Tennyson .
4 Quite how it happened he was not sure , but at some point he had slipped and fallen into the canal .
5 For some while he had suffered from phlebitis and several times in the previous months he had been unable to speak at meetings .
6 Even the hardened expert will find something which illuminates in an original way some concept he has long taken for granted .
7 Some creature he had met at a dinner party recently ( he was , it had to be said , from East Finchley ) had had the nerve to tell him that New York was ‘ more vibrant ’ than Wimbledon .
8 Ruth saw at once that her grandfather was not in the room , but she took it for granted that by some miracle he had improved enough to get upstairs and was resting in bed .
9 Fif always seems a little surly with me , because he blames me for some trouble he had on another world .
10 He 's got some writing he 's got to get on
11 It was some music he 'd never heard before , but he turned it up loud anyway and took a deep breath and settled back into his seat .
12 They said it was some illness he had when he was young .
13 Some thought he had suffered a momentary heart problem , but he was not running like a tired horse and afterwards was completely sound .
14 This task was for him somewhat infra dig , but until Burden and Sergeant Martin brought him some information he had little else to do , and this way he could , at any rate , be certain it was well done .
15 Mistakenly , he had agreed to let Brompton-Smiley travel with him in the Rolls and discuss the matter of some urgency he had been whining about for the last two days .
16 The horror remained on their faces , but for some reason he 'd disappeared from the scene .
17 His solicitor said for some reason he 'd been involved since last December in a campaign of total destruction of both himself and other people , but now there was some hope for the future .
18 For some reason he had fallen , and his phantom assailant was upon him , but again the blows had no effect .
19 For some reason he had not been too worried out it last night , nor was he now .
20 For some reason he had let down Diana on a date so she and Carolyn had taken their revenge .
21 For some reason he had just remembered poor old Eddy Moulton .
22 Like the three kings in the story , O went home another way , feeling that in some way he had just been warned about something .
23 In some way he had offended her .
24 He went out of the room , into the corridor and into his room and there he stood with his back to the door , his mouth wide , gasping at the air , still in fright , yet knowing that in some way he had emerged as if out of a deep canyon .
25 When Picasso painted the Demoiselles d'Avignon , those of his friends who were allowed to see it seem to have felt that in some way he had let them down .
26 He knew that in some way he had hurt her .
27 Was he going to give her some note on performance , some idea he 'd had for a new bit of business in the play ?
28 She even climbed to the old attic that she had never even seen before ; perhaps here there would be some painting he had done long ago .
29 He would recall some prostitute he had frequented in the rue de la Cigogne : ‘ I fired five shots into her , ’ he would boast to me .
30 But it is also clear that Denning started off with a presumption that everyone involved was innocent and that at some stage he had personal doubts as to whether this was indeed so .
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