Example sentences of "them [coord] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 We feel strongly that weapons of this kind have no place , so we support measures to ban them or prohibit their sale . ’
2 On the highly publicized issue in AI 's December report of the baby deaths , Amnesty said that although its team was shown alleged mass graves of babies , it was not established how they had died and the team found no reliable evidence that Iraqi forces had caused the deaths of babies by removing them or ordering their removal from incubators .
3 Blake could n't say whether the creatures were pursuing them or had their own sinister reason for haunting this part of London .
4 However , they have told me recently that , when I was about nine or ten , they thought me a bully because I would surreptitiously pinch them or pull their hair in order to keep them in line — that is , in order to make them behave as my parents would have wished them to .
5 Using a cream gives time for the hydrogen peroxide to be in contact with the bacteria in order to kill them or inhibit their division .
6 I walked them for three or four hours a day , but nothing tired them or won their love .
7 Second , the majority of those suffering from corporate crime remain unaware of their victimization — either not knowing it has happened to them or viewing their ‘ misfortune ’ as an accident and ‘ no one 's fault ’ .
8 At the close of the Ecclesiastical History Bede wrote that such serious commotions had characterized the beginning and course of the reign that it was impossible to know what to say about them or anticipate their eventual outcome ( HE V , 23 ) .
9 They have been concerned about damaging them or losing their affection .
10 Anyone who has seen them or knows their whereabouts is asked to contact detectives at Craigavon 325144 .
11 It would also appear that in some areas the rougher element ganged up against Boy Scout troops in the early years of the movement , throwing stones at them and mocking their uniform of floppy hats and silly short pants .
12 In ‘ Amongst Women ’ the women finally win through , break the father despite his best efforts to bully them and break their spirits .
13 He is not concerned like Western man with mechanistic explanations of how things happen ; he is concerned with why afflictions befall him , how to forestall them and remove their menace … .
14 Change management is principally concerned with people — their attitudes and skill levels , and how to communicate with them and overcome their resistance .
15 The ad people know that girls are watching and that they can attract them and form their ideas by making the girl associate their product with a particular image — so that when she is looking at a hair gel in a chemist 's , that will conjure up for her the image of the model used to advertise it , and make her want to look that way herself , and want to buy it .
16 And the people who run the shop are runners themselves and you can sort of go to them and ask their advice on all sorts of things
17 It existed to ‘ speak for artists and art organisations , to offer them advice , to argue for them and to champion their interests in the media and to government whenever and wherever the need may arise ’ .
18 Such " regular casuals " can remain " regular casuals " only if they are prepared to accept the schedules set for them and to take their free days when there are no events and their holidays during the off-season .
19 With our Masai translator and guide we lived with them and accepted their hospitality which was our biggest witness to them .
20 Gradually these courts decayed , partly owing to the jealousy of the Common Law Courts , which interfered with them and extended their own jurisdiction .
21 ‘ It will certainly release a lot of the pressure that has surrounded them and made their personal lives very difficult .
22 This is all of a piece with the way some men assume they may stare at women , stand close to them and invade their physical space by touching .
23 On November 24 , 1990 , Prakesh , Dharmowtee and Sonia ( below , l to r ) headed a march of over 500 people through Handsworth , Birmingham to demand that the Home Office remove the deportation orders against them and review their cases .
24 Gandhi himself claimed that his purpose in fasting was to take upon himself the burden of the workers ; he was identifying himself with them and sharing their despair , frustration and suffering .
25 They could either follow their husbands into battle , taking their children with them , or they could stay at home , unprotected and unsupported and wait for the pillaging Parliamentarians or the papist Royalists to capture them and confiscate their property .
26 Keeping the ‘ common people ’ of Romania down by always increasing the demands put upon them and diminishing their rewards was good policy as well as economically necessary if his ever-more ambitious plans were to be accomplished .
27 Now here 's a gang of Brits following them and picking their money up .
28 Approaching Wallowa Lake , he found the Nez Perce warriors mounted on an impregnable high bluff , and reported : ‘ Joseph could have fallen upon the settlers in detail , killing them and destroying their property …
29 The igloo idea was Leo 's : ‘ It was designed to put the trainees ’ skills to the test while at the same time motivating them and holding their interest . ’
30 The first is a moral one , that if chimpanzees are really like man they may have the same capacity to understand what is happening to them and imagine their futures , which would make laboratory studies , especially physiological interventions , unacceptable .
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