Example sentences of "them over and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I would suggest that if you are sure of your pieces , do n't read them over and over again on the way to the audition — once will be quite enough .
2 Sir George put the letters into his wife 's lap , and she turned them over and over , under the greedy eyes of the two scholars .
3 Having done that , we listened to them over and over , took the best parts from each solo and I worked on composites from there .
4 You can plan grand lectures , but in the end you really do learn by doing them over and over again , adjusting this or changing that .
5 He kept seeing them over and over in his mind , like an action replay of a not very good football match that only showed the goals .
6 Now he overwhelms me , he is so human , so full of moods and gentleness and wonderful tunes and things so simple-deep I play them over and over again as once I used to copy drawings I liked .
7 One explains to them over and over again the benefits : it 's quick , cheap , no hard feelings on either side — ’
8 But television tends to block this ability by filling our minds with its own images and reiterating them over and over again .
9 ‘ It 's worth spending money on the wear out of , I never throw out jackets or coats , because I keep wearing them over and over — that 's really good value for money . ’
10 I do n't know how many of them are genuine , or how many of them are not genuine , and I have to deal with them over and over again .
11 The aim was , no doubt , to win them over and thereby weaken the Puritan opposition .
12 He was much struck by the latter , turning them over and myopically examining their patterns .
13 well they were they was rolling in all the muck in the farmyard but they , they went to the pies just put their noses round them and turned them over and then they s and true as god made little apples they started walking round these pies and they left them and they were still there when we went away .
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