Example sentences of "them with [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both entities and properties may be specified in more detail by extending them with elements of either type using this relation .
2 And Mandeville 's Old Man ruled , of course , by feeding his followers hashish and dèluding them with dreams of paradise .
3 It took them all day to build the bridge — felling two of the tallest pines , stripping them bare , easing them with ropes down the steep slope to the river .
4 He accompanied his trainees on lunchtime booze-ups in the local pub where he regaled them with stories of his hectic social life .
5 While Violette entertained them with stories of increasing complexity , Katherine from beneath lowered lids stole occasional glances at Carlo .
6 She dragged herself back to reality , and began joining in the conversation , listening with amusement while Simone regaled them with stories of some of their customers — fat women with strange tastes in colour , young girls with more money than sense .
7 But the Wandjina have been the subject of special interest and speculation to anthropologists , ethnologists and certain writers who have linked them with visitors from space due to their resemblance to astronauts .
8 It proceeds to illustrate them with quotations from some of the Puffin children 's books which have disturbed the authors .
9 terms and conditions of engagement and as I said previously they are looking for us to provide them with spreads of expenditure of fees and , and Trevor 's looking into that .
10 Some Eastern European countries — the USSR , for example — have attempted to deal with this problem by directing professional staff to work in certain areas for a limited number of years , as well as providing them with incentives in terms of higher salaries , pension rights , housing , etc .
11 They gyrate in perplexity as Rattletrap confounds them with scales upon his chasmochord .
12 They 're not velocity sensitive ( ie. they wo n't respond to how hard you hit them with changes in signal ) , and although you can record rhythms and bass lines of varying dynamics into an RY10 pattern from a MIDI source , the incoming velocity values are n't recorded by the drum machine and so the sounds play back at a fixed level .
13 They 're not velocity sensitive ( ie. they wo n't respond to how hard you hit them with changes in signal ) , and although you can record rhythms and bass lines of varying dynamics into an RY10 pattern from a MIDI source , the incoming velocity values are n't recorded by the drum machine and so the sounds play back at a fixed level .
14 Athelstan waited until the slattern had served them with goblets of wine .
15 I use them , but I keep them separated from the majority of plants by surrounding them with strips of glass siliconed to the tank base .
16 Their faces when they see them with costumes on
17 If the application is based upon payment of all the debts , the applicant must give at least twenty-eight days ' notice to the official receiver and ( if other ) the trustee and supply them with copies of the application and affidavit ( r 6.206(4) ) .
18 You can control them with products like Malathion greenfly killer , or a Gamma-BHC dust .
19 Outside the formal political discourses of Alliance and Labour there emerged a genuine popular resentment against Alliance candidates based on a simple identification of them with threats to relief .
20 The most that Aurangzeb could expect was to make the local rulers obedient to his authority , or else to replace them with deputies of his own who would be reasonably faithful vassals .
21 In fact on erm on one of the erm sheets that I 've brought up there 's a notice of how to repair them with bits of cycle inner tube .
22 Oxfordshire teachers are generally moderately negative in their attitudes towards the collegiality and openness of SSE , associating them with attitudes towards career prospects and a need for a better understanding of the process .
23 Thiercelin and Lefevre found themselves received at their billet with almost embarrassing cordiality , the householder , Herr Bauer , and his wife insisting upon catering for their every need , whilst regaling them with complaints of Hapsburg perfidy and the brutality of their Russian allies .
24 This means sacrificing the crate of export and the three pounds of reheatable madras curry in a Tupperware box , and replacing them with objects for your more immediate use , like the tent .
25 Seventeen people were taken to Guy 's , most of them with lacerations to arms , wrists , tendons , backs and shoulders .
26 RANGERS produced one of the great European comebacks last night to leave them with stars in their eyes .
27 Caedwalla attempted , according to Bede , to exterminate the natives and replace them with inhabitants of his own kingdom , vowing , though still a pagan , that he would give a fourth part of the island and the booty seized to the Church if he were successful .
28 In 1986 , the conservatives sacked a dozen of 24 state bosses ( banks included ) and in turn replaced them with friends of the right .
29 He thinks that we will never deal intelligently with these questions if we confuse them with questions about what is good in itself .
30 FOUR men tied up a middle-aged builder and his wife and threatened them with machetes before ransacking their home , a court heard yesterday .
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