Example sentences of "them look after [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That would we feel is certainly in a coordinating way and if somebody for instance er say you 've got a husband and wife living together , one of them suddenly becomes handicapped in a particular way , what we are planning to do is trying to develop programmes which will enable the carer to have to go on training at the County Council 's expense to enable them to look after somebody in their own homes and it 's a type of thing we want to develop .
2 If someone were ill with starvation , it would be cruel and thoughtless to advise them to look after their spiritual life and not worry about where their next meal was coming from .
3 Behaviourist approaches to women 's agoraphobia , for instance , often concentrate on getting them to look after their family , and to work , rather than tackling the personal and social reasons for their anxiety .
4 His two daughters who he 'd never really done anything for — expecting them to look after him .
5 Yeah and Mike 's seen him like that and mum went round the ward and she made all the beds to help them and all , we had to bribe them to look after him , but was he looked after in the end , on Saturday I said look , I said do n't fucking come over here and tell me my dad 's gon na be turned in a minute I said because a minute is a minute , I said but when you come over here three and a half hours later to my dad that 's like three years , he 's in excruciating agony , he wants to turn him when you tell him you 're gon na turn him
6 Did anybody travel with them to look after them ?
7 Let them look after themselves .
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