Example sentences of "them when they have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But if we move against him openly , and him the King 's friend , the King may call out all the clans against us , with the promise of our land as prize for them when they 've destroyed us ; and we 've unfriends enough would jump at the chance . ’
2 And wa and one or two bad journeys with them when they 've got out and everything got over the top , top
3 I 'm not changing my tune , Councillor Wyle knows that in the past I have actually offered to go with them when they 've made erm , visits to the minister , and when he said , we we we tried , but we never got anywhere , and on various issues I 've said , well perhaps if we got us an all party delegation , at least we could have done no worse .
4 Staff commission has issued a number of consulta or has issued a consultation paper , and I detail that in paragraph eight , and in our response to that , basically , we have said the nineteen seventy-four arrangements for the staff commission seemed to have worked very well , and we hope the staff commission will , the new staff commission will stick very closely to that , and only vary them when they 've got a perfectly good reason for doing so .
5 I think they look after them when they 've lost a lot of weight , you know .
6 This led the group to recall , towards the end of the meeting , how they , too , had got nowhere with work-refusing children while they constantly demanded better work from them ( thus identifying with Mr E as having known failure instead of contrasting their own better results with his , as they had done earlier ) but how they had been able to help them when they had worked on the relationship .
7 Yet again the business of running the hotel had come between them when they had something important to sort out .
8 With another sigh , and feeling extremely awkward because she 'd obviously been foisted on them when they had n't wanted her to be foisted , she decided not to unpack , just take out the things she would need for the night .
9 The thing that worked best when we were going through an investigation was to get individual kids to come and explain it … mind you they made such a racket applauding them when they 'd finished etc. , but I felt they were listening more carefully to them than they were to me !
10 Formative evaluation ( to use the current jargon ) , is so obviously more important than summative , since you need to modify things as they develop rather than wring your hands over them when they have failed .
11 Many Home Helps become very fond of the elderly people they visit , often doing all kinds of extra jobs for them when they have the time , and the moral support they give to lonely old people is invaluable .
12 The difference between fat people and thing people is that thin people 's bodies tell them when they have had enough to eat .
13 Conservative Members know what is in store for them when they have the guts to call the general election .
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