Example sentences of "them do [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My soldiers were guarding the master copies of the very instructions that made them do the guarding .
2 And of course , That 's right yes , make them do the test first and of course , you may very well need some specialists depending again on as we said , whatever your team has got to do .
3 It 's not a position where A number of people have the idea that it ca n't be a beneficiary , it can , it often is a beneficiary for the obvious reason that if the beneficiaries are getting the goodies , why not make them do the work necessary to get hold of them ?
4 If you 've got children let them do the work survive the parents , erm as long as they 're the sensible sort who can do it and are n't going to fall out with parents and are going to be round .
5 Let them do the attacking .
6 Heather Boxer says she makes them do the washing up and she enjoys their company .
7 M and J always tidy up well , so did not let them do the washing/drying up .
8 Cos I was originally gon na let them do an audition for you , but I thought , na .
9 Do you want them to do a menu rotation or keep making them up every week ?
10 A producer had fed them silly in an effort to woo them to do a film .
11 And I said , look , get them to do a section of mirage and then it up on the ceiling
12 The Labour party have lost their majority which has enabled them to do a lot of stupid things .
13 To be an effective leader , to get bureaucrats and legislators to do what he wants them to do a president must retain the support of the public and , in the modern age , that is hardly possible without consistent command of television .
14 I 've got some names and I want to use them to do a deal . ’
15 You can buy them to do the lattice somebody told me .
16 In Canada the British not only deluded themselves that they had defeated the axiom ; they also imagined it was the federal ingredient that had enabled them to do the trick .
17 But the snag is that first you have to be able to recover the GEMs to culture them to do the catechol yellowing test .
18 I think it 's quite common now for them to do the asking . ’
19 It struck me as wonderful stuff , so I got in touch and tried to get them to do the music for Doctor Who , but they just did n't have the time .
20 This is the problem of balance between management 's wish to control the work for which they are responsible , and the necessity to delegate work to subordinates , trusting them to do the work properly .
21 But the disparity lies less in tone than in technique : like rather a lot of modern movies , Bye Bye Blues lacks the capacity to formulate its material rather than just present it to the audience and leave them to do the rest .
22 Fleischmann decided to send over all the equipment , cell , fluid and palladium , by air to Harwell for them to do the neutron measurements .
23 And that it 's up to them to do the research , to listen to advisers , parents , other students and so on , but at the end of the day it 's them that 's got to go and do the course .
24 Just move onto the next one then media trainer I started talking to the training school about doing some training for officers it started with C I D cos you often find that a D S is an acting D I and when we asked them to do an interview about a crime or incident they say we 've not done radio interviews before , so Phil has er supported it and we 're gon na run some sort of training scheme one day courses for them .
25 Now the problem with them doing a course the worst the worst bit is erm the Wednesday .
26 And when they would offer to no no they would n't they would have their own way of drying it in in their bags they would have another clean or or you would say clothes to put on but we never ever heard of them doing a washing .
27 Liar , er I do n't mind them doing the video tapes over , but
28 Six of them did a routine on top of a tank , and did not stop even when the snow began to fall .
29 I have never known which of them did the catering .
30 For neither of them did the medication appear to have been helpful and , in collaboration with their general practitioner , it was therefore stopped .
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