Example sentences of "when we [vb past] our " in BNC.

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1 When we raised our heads above the desk there were clouds of smoke blowing across the chemistry laboratory .
2 I mean back in the early nineteen eighties when we sold our first er system abroad we were quite surprised to find out that the French did n't have a road called Edgeware Road and an organization called B A C S on it .
3 When we launched our boat in Rangkul for the first time and motored towards the islands where the birds were said to nest , it was with considerable relief that we saw there were indeed geese , and they were on eggs .
4 When we launched our Health and Beauty Club last year , we discovered that one in three members has a hair problem — and many simply did n't know what to do about it .
5 When we finished our chat and tried to re-enter the auditorium we found the double doors were tight shut and we were locked out .
6 When we began our work on the secondary stages we considered whether to add a fourth profile component , knowledge about language , but we rejected this plan for two reasons .
7 When we reached our beats , we dropped off the crocodile .
8 When we reached our yard again I could see that Mrs Taylor and her friends had worked hard .
9 When we reached our hotel and unlocked a suitcase we had kept , we thought , rigidly fastened back in Devon , we were mortified to find mountains of confetti cascading all over the floor .
10 When we reached our house , the wind was blowing hard in our faces .
11 But when we reached our bedroom , Miss Scatcherd was checking the drawers .
12 When we reached our houses , Lily kissed my cheek and ran in .
13 A Country Diary : NORTHUMBERLAND : When we saw our first immigrant golden-eye bobbing on the waters of Bolam Lake in the early months of each year , we always took it as the first sign of spring .
14 But when we plunged our hands into them , the dust-filled light ran through our fingers like water .
15 But when we had our backs against the wall … ’
16 I know this is quite usual for fathers in the Eighties , but in the Fifties when we had our older children , and the Sixties when Shanti came , it was not quite so common .
17 ‘ I feel that we have been working together for much longer , ’ says Sandra , ‘ because even when we had our own businesses we would ring each other up for advice .
18 We found our way to the desk for Saudi Arabian Airlines when we had our first alarm .
19 ‘ I only knew I was playing when we had our warm-up just before the kick-off , and I simply was n't prepared for starting the match .
20 The ideal way , way of arranging a room as I see it would be that you could have your separate rooms but have sliding doors , after all there 's nothing new in sliding doors , er , but doors opening and closing erm are restrictive , that 's only my own personal view , my wife does n't necessarily , necessarily share that view ideally if I was planning a house , the main room the main living room would be much larger than the one we live in , it would certainly be a different shape , erm when we had our golden wedding erm our visitors were so numerous that they were standing shoulder to shoulder in these two rooms and the kitchen whereas if it had been a reasonably designed house maybe we could of spread them around a little more , but they 're minor , minor defects that are not really serious .
21 But there is a major flaw that was pointed out when we had our last discussion about counting that alongside other factors , that you do a certain amount of work dependent on what your current staffing levels are .
22 We went in the Gra Grand just done the lounge at the Grand and when we had our first car and I went round to see mother and I said come on , we 'll go up to the , take you up to the Grand and have a drink .
23 When we consulted our customers on how they wanted to pay for water , there was no clear preference .
24 We had a shop in Nairobi and came here when we got our vouchers in 1971 .
25 Was it when we got our first important jobs and started the expense-account lunch routine ?
26 When we got our first serious analysis from the system in January 1992 , there was a minor panic at the amount of sick days reported , although it was not quite so bad when we analysed the figures further and found that one employee 's long-term sickness was affecting the averages .
27 But the two struggles , for national liberation and against patriarchy , have to go together and I think that 's what went wrong in Ireland , when we got our pseudo independence .
28 Do you know how much it was when we got our first house , just before we were married , it was n't two and a half times your salary , it was one and a half times our salary
29 And in nineteen sixty one , when we got our independence , immediately we had the constitution committee and we wrote our constitution .
30 Mother and I were much happier when we acquired our own machine and we could get on with it together .
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