Example sentences of "when they [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some members of the crew had been sitting in the bows and it was only when they denied having seen her that he began to search seriously .
2 As it is , she has resisted all attempts of the club to involve local residents in these community-related activities , even when they offered to clean her car and windows free !
3 It was four hours later when they woke to find him at the foot of the bed saying : ‘ I 've got a gun and I 'm going to shoot you . ’
4 And why did they put on that charade with the fake bodies when they planned to send two live substitutes to England in the Renault ? ’
5 It was the authority–s policy , and an implied term of the applicant 's contract of employment , that employees retired at the age when they became entitled to draw the state retirement pension , this being aged 65 for a man and 60 for a woman .
6 When they began to overlap women felt confused and disoriented .
7 She was Gaston de Rochefort 's daughter , and Rohan knew this — had known it when he became her lover ; had known it when they began to plan their lives together .
8 But when they began to take an interpretive attitude toward their conventional practices , the situation became much more complicated .
9 They had meant it to be special , but at the time , it had been dreadful , and when they began to sing Happy Birthday , Jay had burst into tears and run out of the room .
10 But no one really knew how far one country was from another So , when they began to explore further and sail across the ocean , they had to find some other means of navigating or finding their way .
11 The next logical step was to present the bream with a small hook and bait which would be more likely to be right inside their lips when they began to carry it off , but to still retain the heaviness so that they could not manage it with a mere suck .
12 You have to remember that Americans only found this endemic American music in the '60s when they began listening to English groups , who were doing something really important , which was taking black music and making it louder .
13 Producer Peter Waterman once had to rescue his starlet from a gang of teenagers when they began spitting at her in a nightclub .
14 Greek images were also used by physiognomists and ethnologists when they began to create racist classification systems which placed the Greek profile as the highest development of humanity , above Jewish people with African peoples lower down the scale , represented so as to approximate their profiles with those of primates and apes at the bottom .
15 Thus , it is not surprising that , even though the snowball group were older than their known counterparts when they began using drugs for recreational purposes ( a modal age of 16 against 15 ) , they were initiated into heroin use at an earlier age ( a modal age of 16 against 17 ) .
16 When they began to move the flow of blood came back to their stiffened limbs and they felt better .
17 But when they began to steal away from their tasks to sit beside her and smoke their pipes , Grainne felt more honoured than at any time since she had occupied Ireland 's Throne .
18 I 'm sure Adi Dassler and his brother Rudolph did n't know what they were starting when they began making sports shoes in Germany in the Twenties .
19 He telephoned me late that evening — when they began to worry about her — asking if she 'd been here .
20 For the most part they contented themselves with the material evidence available in the form of bones and artefacts , yet even when they began to observe living animals good behavioural description did not expose the factors that transformed the infrahuman primate society into a human one .
21 Admittedly , there were regional variations in land values , and when they began to rise again , the increase was more marked in areas round London , where the demands for food from a large urban area pushed up the value of agricultural land .
22 Even those Danzigers who felt relief at being removed from the lax and distant hand of Catholic Warsaw were soon to see this as cold comfort when they began to experience Prussian rule .
23 When they began to travel abroad they invested in a couple of suits and a jacket which they passed around each other .
24 When they began to investigate the tiny houses , they found other bodies : men , women , children … .
25 These new streamlined creatures became the first fish and soon underwent a further important change when they began to develop a movable jaw , paving the way for the Devonian period — the ‘ Age of Fishes ’ .
26 While I have great sympathy for the doctors of twenty years or more ago who did not realise the addictive effect of such tablets when they began to prescribe them , I do not feel equal sympathy for those doctors ( fortunately their number is growing less ) who still hand out similar prescriptions to their patients and then fail to monitor their progress or to help them give up the medication as soon as possible .
27 There were a few people who allowed themselves to feel the pain of loss , the pain of betrayal , when they began to understand what had really been happening in the Soviet Union .
28 When they began to speak , so softly , it was as if their mouths uttered words that did not match their thoughts .
29 When they began to dig up waste land on St George 's Hill in Surrey , they were driven off by local farmers , who almost certainly included small peasants angered at the usurpation of their common rights .
30 Our Mosquito squadron had gone out to bomb one of the usual targets in western France and when they began to come back , the first crew to come into the Met Office told us the news ,
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