Example sentences of "when it was not " in BNC.

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1 This is a language , a world view , a form of life perhaps , wherein one of the principal reasons for according praise to a type of art is that it is able to give voice to a politics ; Bolshevism in the main case , though as Callinicos acknowledges , one of the salient points about Modernism was its ‘ ambiguity , its capacity to express a variety of different political positions ’ ; that is , when it was not engaged on its more usual ‘ flight from politics ’ ( p. 161 ) .
2 However , the Junker need for an external threat required that a sense of otherness , of not being Prussian , of not speaking German , when it was not altogether invisible , should be a threat .
3 The Teutonic Knights had indeed penetrated eastwards , but their influence , when it was not military , had been to spread a lifestyle and set of material , cultural and linguistic bearings rather than set in motion the bodily removal and resettlement of vast numbers of Germans .
4 Toughening their endurance by frequent climbs to nearly 3,000 feet ( 900m ) up the crags of Goat Fell on Arran they saw , when it was not raining — a rare occasion in west Scotland — Lieutenant Roger Courtney at sea , training his canoeists around the island 's choppy waters where a short sharp sea comes up with little warning .
5 Two doors shut the glass away when it was not in use , as if to remind me that too much self-admiration was unacceptable .
6 Only when it was not possible to squeeze another inch from the land do they stop , allowing the coarse heather to take hold on the steep cliffs .
7 And when it was not shouting him down as he tried to suggest that the powers of the courts were adequate , the conference heard Mr R. A. Butler pledge himself to a new building programme of short-sharp-shock Detention Centres .
8 He was mostly happy without an excessive amount of work , and when it was not there he did not invent it .
9 The issue flared up when the party was doing badly for other reasons , and subsided when it was not .
10 They could infer the complete message even when it was not explicitly stated in the text .
11 A fragile , breakable , disposable population , with no more than a toe-hold on life when trade was good and employment more plentiful ; flicked off life 's surface , almost without being noticed , when it was not .
12 If the creditor , without any fraud , accepted it in satisfaction when it was not a sufficient satisfaction it was his own fault .
13 Of course the horse named Bess , which I was given had a mind of its own , since it would always be eating and when it was not it only plodded along .
14 When it was not appropriate to have it last week , my hon. Friend the Member for Leicestershire , North-West ( Mr. Ashby ) made the facility available this evening .
15 When it was not immediately opened , one of them began to shout ‘ Too late !
16 The document left many questions unanswered and when it was not endorsed by any major party figure it slid into oblivion .
17 We used enemas when it was not possible to utilise the enteral lavage .
18 We are unanimously of the opinion that the settlement was a sham on the facts in the sense that it was made to appear as a genuine gift when it was not .
19 Obviously , what is or may be of importance to an employer 's business is a question of fact ; and it was no doubt significant in Swain that S was the general manager , the wrongful employee was the managing director , his conduct was dishonest and it could have had a material effect on the defendant 's business ( labelling meat as " Empire Products " when it was not ) .
20 Well why would it be used in circumstances when it was not needed otherwise ?
21 It led her to believe that her deluded behaviour was within the realm of the acceptable when it was not .
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