Example sentences of "when it [be] going " in BNC.

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1 God knows how far they 're prepared to pursue us or when it 's going to stop .
2 Now what happens when it 's going faster and faster , you can graph it , and you can see it going right up .
3 Many areas , yes , let's everybody have water butts and use them to , to save the rain water during next summer , next summer being when it 's going to rain .
4 What about if T goes on for about erm one second , when it 's going to be equal to V M one minus E to the minus one .
5 Yeah , tell me when it 's going .
6 When we 're using the fax facility and we get a series of policy numbers and a problem coming through to us erm that 's not so bad cos that 's being amalgamated by the branch secretaries , when it 's going back , and we do it on the same one single fax going back , they 're sitting there snipping up individual replies , you know putting individual replies into consultants ' baskets unless they photocopy the whole sheet in which case they 've got a confidentiality problem .
7 erm And I 'm very much looking forward to that , on Wednesday I 'm coming and we 're having a promotions day when we 'll let everyone know what we 're doing ; when it 's going to be , where it 's going to be held , and erm give two hundred youngsters the opportunity to try erm the various sports , we do n't just do football now either , we do lots of other sports .
8 What 's the use , for instance , of alarming sixty-odd people with a preview of the Aberfan disaster without telling them where it is , when it is going to happen , or how they can help to stop it happening ?
9 The wrist moves to get the plate spinning and when it is going fast enough you stop the stick and , because of the hollow in the plate , the stick goes to the middle After practice you can try tossing it in the air and catching it or passing it behind your back .
10 I felt myself to be a source of pollution , and grew to dread my period , especially as I never knew exactly when it was going to come .
11 But spreading the work out though actually extended the administration costs and not giving start and finish times that were fairly tight , so the people doing the work allowed them to make their own judgments on when it was going to be done .
12 The ceilidh was held in the stable yard of the castle but as there was no lighting , festivities had to cease when it got dark ; great to live by nature 's principles like this , but a shame to stop when it was going so well !
13 ‘ I joined the club when it was going into the Vauxhall Conference and people were saying it was going under .
14 What we tend to do is to brief ourselves very thoroughly on vulnerable spots in the world , and in countries where we already have links and where we 've worked before and we know the background because we , we feel we need that and we monitor very carefully certain events which could lead to a disaster , so that when the disaster does happen , like for instance the Ugandan famine of nineteen seventy-nine to eighty-one , we knew exactly when it was going to happen and we knew exactly where the people were , we knew who was going to be affected , we knew why they were affected , we knew where the food stocks were , we knew how long it was going to take to get so many thousand tonnes of food from A to B erm and how many trucks you would need .
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