Example sentences of "when we [vb past] out " in BNC.

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1 If we went out in the morning it was raining and fine in the afternoon , and then it rained when we went out in the afternoon after a fine morning .
2 The weather was lousy again , in fact it was terrible for about three-quarters of the day and it eased off a little when we went out .
3 When we went out the sun had come out and the horses ' coats shone like black silk .
4 You see — I could never see Bridget home when we went out . ’
5 Aye er and er I got to the now on the and steamers go so far up , past Le Havre at the mouth Le Havre we disembarked when we went out to France first time and we took guns and all sorts .
6 It is touching but rather embarrassing that after the film the rest of the people waited for the foreign quests to leave first , and clapped us when we went out .
7 bought some erm what round , what you have when we have dinner , when we went out to dinner ?
8 Remember when we used to take the pressure cooker when we went out ?
9 Are these the ones you put in when we went out ?
10 And then erm and then er when we went out , mum was in bed with fl pneumonia , well near pneumonia .
11 And then when we went out right , we had to do a tackle , you know a big tackle bag .
12 What got me is , when we went out to this , this shopping mall , where we were , when we go to have this brunch , she was in .
13 Whereas most kids , I do n't know I think it 's just the way they give them too much lead er , I mean our kids were always quiet were n't they when we went out ?
14 And this morning when we , when we went out there it was just
15 Actually I had one of the , when we went out with Robert I had a Phall which is erm it 's like you get all , all those different di , dishes
16 erm certainly the message coming back to us when we went out to consultation on this was not absolutely one hundred per cent by everybody in education that this was a service which had to be had to have no cuts whatever .
17 When we came out of the Clerecia , after dipping hands in the holy water stoup and placing a drop on each other 's brows , as we had seen the novios and novias do ( the boy on entering a church would dip his hand in the water and transfer a drop to his fiancée 's fingertip so that they could cross themselves in unison ) , we would go into La Casa de las Conchas next to the Clerecia , with elaborate wrought-iron window-grilles and its tranquil courtyard , and sit there quietly for a while , thinking of the next poem , or of the one we were working on .
18 Mohan Lal was waiting for us when we came out to breakfast on 31 October .
19 There was little time for dalliance when we came out from Sunday School as I was expected to be home for tea at half-past four .
20 It was his old Persian runner that we used to tie up our bundles when we came out of Burma — I expect you remember that we still had it in Leatherhead .
21 No one was at home when we came out of school so we did n't have to explain where we were going .
22 When we came out of the trees , I saw the house from the other side .
23 I can always remember that yeah , I won a book called And then er when we came out pictures on Saturday afternoon , there always used to be a gentleman there and he 'd had a great big basket and he 'd like he 'd have a bag of sweets and oranges in these er basket and they used to give the children a bag of sweet and orange and they came out and see pictures for a penny .
24 When we came out on the platform , he said , come round one day .
25 In 1914 Boccioni wrote : ‘ We were aware of Cubism as it had been publicized in France in articles and books when we came out with the technical manifesto of Futurist painting ( 11 April 1910 ) and with our first exhibition at the Bernheim Gallery ( 6 February 1912 ) . ’
26 We had tea in a still half-deserted seaside town and when we came out of the cafe Edward produced from his pocket a tomato-shaped ketchup-holder which had taken Laura 's fancy and amused Edward with its outrageous farting noise .
27 ‘ They were loading up to leave just when we came out . ’
28 When we came out of the church we were told our King had passed away .
29 Yes , well when we came out Bryony was difficult to start with , she did n't want her coat on .
30 And then when we came out of school Dean sent a firelight at people .
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