Example sentences of "when they [am/are] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When they 're right for each other a Gemini and a Sagittarian can have a wonderful , magical , lasting relationship .
2 Particularly when they 're long way .
3 People with loadsamoney — ’ he said it as one word just to prove he had learned something living in London — ‘ buy them to play with and throw them away when they 're bored with ‘ em .
4 I expect the staff watch when they 're bored .
5 ( So people actually do pace up and down when they 're nervous . )
6 Pam loves children but she does n't like them when they 're mobile , it gets on her nerves .
7 When they 're pregnant or they 've got a little baby .
8 No they would n't be when I 'm des when they 're desperate , everybody rings me when I 'm
9 ‘ Oh , men are much more interesting when they 're dangerous . ’
10 I feel happier when they 're all under the same roof .
11 We ought to be able to creep out easily when they 're all asleep , ’ he added and Fenella frowned at him , because they could not risk the giants guessing what they intended to do .
12 I but is n't Wakefield one of those authorities when they 're all in a pretty central place .
13 ‘ Why does everybody tell me I ought to watch my drinking when they 're all so busy watching it for me ?
14 The dishes get rather confused when they 're all together on the table , ’ she added , trying to put things right .
15 It then makes it easy to save all your inputs into a separate file , when they 're all in one separate input area .
16 And when they 're all filled in we shall in here .
17 then the when they 're all parading around it 's to behave , he tried to hold their hands , right .
18 And then when they 're all away , we 'll get the moved .
19 You might be their money when they 're all at work .
20 When they 're all and !
21 And when they 're all together , that that 's when the problem is .
22 The general point here and I want to make is that er , these are n't officers ' promises these are the members ' promises and er , erm , we 've got to be careful that er when they 're all drawn together that we are n't making a hostage fortune , erm and so that I think it is very important members take aboard er what is suggested and test them themselves to see that they are realistic , I would also say that er as these promises are being considered by the various committees and I note a considerable variation in standards which will need to be addressed when the promises er , have come back to the Policy Committee , these are particularly in reference to the time required to respond to er , erm complaints etc , it 's no use having the Highways Committee wanting two weeks and incidentally on promise number two erm I think that er any up , somebody else 's point er straight forward wants to be deleted , erm the highways require two weeks to respond er , erm hearts and libraries want a , you know half a day , er and we 've got to get these er erm more or less synchronized I think , and whilst I 'm thinking Chairman on the last page er of the er favourite for , for first for agent authorities , but it does n't give any indication about the contact point and as most of our population live in the agent authorities that the er it needs to be expanded to give the contacts er points for the members of the public .
23 I 'm sure when they 're all sitting around in their studies they 're a complete , they 're all the same but
24 House swimming when they 're all standing up and sort of going oh no no , God cover up , you know
25 That will be the next stage we shall be working on over the next half-year or so , and what we do want to do is to seek the help of all the local authorities and teachers in this work , because one should perhaps put things into context , we 're a committee of twenty-two people , we have a staff , which when they 're all fully employed they 'll be about fifty , we have a budget of two million , but we have got to communicate with something like four hundred to five hundred thousand teachers , something like erm five thousand secondary schools and twenty-six thousand primary schools .
26 The atmosphere with the actual returnees themselves is one of concern and apprehension I guess , because they 're concerned that they 've been involved in this , this crisis and they 're not quite sure what 's happening , and they are er not really being told by everybody , you know , there 's just too many people to make it very clear where they 're all going and when they 're all going .
27 Get them doing bearings when they 're when they 're two , as long as they understand
28 so it was down to 10 men but why do teams always fight harder and play better when they 're one man short …
29 so it was down to 10 men but why do teams always fight harder and play better when they 're one man short …
30 The females can start reproducing when they 're six weeks old . ’
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