Example sentences of "when i say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And then , when I said nothing and kept on driving , she said , ‘ If you do n't stop , I 'll jump out . ’
2 When I said something of the sort , Dr Kepepwe explained that most of the original staff of the hospital were serving with British troops in Operation Total Tartary , in Murmansk , Usbekistan , the front in the Caucasus , and the new revolutionary area opening up round Lake Baikal .
3 When I said it was a pity Connie died , you said something about it upsetting Muldoon and Cabrillo at first .
4 ‘ But I felt less affection and respect for you when I said it then , than I do at this minute , when I ca n't honestly say it .
5 When I said it would be a waste of time , I was n't referring to the state of your jeep . ’
6 So I er when I said it to him , on top I made a good job I says .
7 Mind you when I said it 's got ta come down it might be five years before it comes down , but you 've got ta think of your outlay first .
8 When I said I fancied myself as a bit of a Rudolf lookalike , I meant Valentino !
9 When I said I was a feminist he became abrupt , as if his time was precious , and told me he could n't help me .
10 When I said I did not have the sum he drew me even further into a corner .
11 But when I said I was doing it in Scotland , people just shivered .
12 But to my dismay he said he 'd got a local caddie for Birkdale , and that he 'd misunderstood me when I said I 'd caddie for him anywhere .
13 But Uncle Bill always took me on his knee and cuddled me when I said I was afraid of Captain .
14 She did n't look up when I said I was sorry I had been unkind , just went on opening drawers and dropping things and muttering ; I had begun to wonder if she had heard me , when she said , ‘ All right , all right , I 'm going just as soon as I can get my things together , I 'm not one to stay where I 'm not wanted . ’
15 She did n't believe me when I said I was sure it was because she was n't taking the carriage far enough over to the right , clearing the pattern selector .
16 Eventually , thunder rumbled in the distance , and he looked up and asked if it was gun-fire ; when I said I thought not , he moved to the door saying , ‘ If Mr Colin recommends them , I 'll take all three ’ .
17 When I said I was , she asked if I had access to the satellite telephone , the only means of making an international call since the phone system had been destroyed in January .
18 He was a good playmate and he and I enjoyed playing " horses " where one would " drive " the other in turns with string as harness — and he told me years later it was a bitter disappointment to him when I said I 'd grown out of the game .
19 When I said I was tired she glanced sideways at the bed and hinted she was fairly tired herself .
20 ‘ Are you a respectable woman ? ’ quickly interpolated the magistrate when I said I wished to remain .
21 I was reminding him when I said I 'd come with you .
22 All it wanted was a new cover , I said , and she almost looked convinced when I said I was sure we could reach a price that suited us both .
23 Even when I said I was family — well , yes , I know it was n't true but it seemed near enough the truth to use to persuade them neither of them would give her away . ’
24 And when I said I was he held out a massive paw that gripped my hand as though in a vice .
25 It matters that I 'm there every week right when I said I would be . ’
26 ‘ I was picturing her face when I said I was seeing you this evening . ’
27 I see now why you were so evasive when I said I had n't power of attorney . ’
28 When I said I was working with Michael Crawford , they said he would be a monster , eat me for breakfast , have me on toast and upstage me totally .
29 The committee became so unnerved at the thought that the club premises might be under threat that when I said I knew how to deal with these bounders , but it could only be as chairman , they swallowed it hook , line and sinker .
30 When I said I 've got a wedding to pay for , they said to me , well can you think about cancelling it because it 's nonessential spending , and I said
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