Example sentences of "when he [vb past] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 When he said nothing she told him , ‘ You suggested it yourself .
2 He disturbed her even when he said nothing , because she knew she could n't read his mind .
3 Being a vole , he knew a good tunnel when he saw one .
4 Posidonius was capable of recognizing a change when he saw one .
5 In point of fact little Dwight ( a chubby child , the offspring of shopkeepers , who bribed him with trash food every time he seemed to want to divert their attention from the business of making money ) turned out to be one of Kennedy 's children — for even in his teens he knew a rising star when he saw one .
6 He was just about to plunge back into the streets when he saw someone running towards him .
7 He had assumed , discriminated , made her feel as if she had to apologise for the way she lived her life , when he knew nothing , nothing of her circumstances or her reasons .
8 Nor is the subject referred to again until nearly two years later , when he surprised everyone by suddenly disclosing what he had heard at the Council and proposed to carry out fully in future .
9 She had lived too long for random encounters to bother her and she was always grateful to the Holy Spirit when He sent something unusual to stir the convent to life .
10 He bustled in one day , rubbing his hands , a fashion of his when he had something unpleasant on his mind .
11 I made it a rule — which , it is true , he broke from time to time when he had something particularly pressing or intimate to convey — that he should not drop into French while we were together .
12 He was neither too sullen nor too frightened to talk ; when he had something to say he would speak up loudly enough .
13 But how , when he had nothing that I could take by force , steal , hide , break in front of him , tear up or trample underfoot , to vent my rage and spite ?
14 He was often quiet when he had nothing to say , sometimes taciturn and on occasions could be brusque .
15 And what need had Tristan Gage for a son and heir in any case when he had nothing to leave him ?
16 But now I have , and I see what I should have seen a long time ago , the selfish , arrogant , unscrupulous fixer who has been quietly feathering his nest in London for the past ten years at our expense after turning his back on us as though we were n't good enough for him , who could n't even be bothered to come home during this ordeal but just flew over on a weekend return when the mood took him , when he had nothing better to do , like the tourist he is !
17 Gina almost always kept out of the way when he had anyone in .
18 Father hated to be disturbed when he had anybody with him and I could see he was annoyed so I made myself scarce ; I mean I did n't stay to say what I wanted . ’
19 He waited months for a day centre place ; when he got one it was unsuitable and he refused to go .
20 Here he is remembering Nick Kent standing around in the old NME offices in Carnaby Street talking about what Keith Richards had said to him once , when he noticed something hanging out of his leather trousers .
21 ‘ Eat up , ’ she said when he left something .
22 Young Michael Portillo , the chief secretary to the Treasury , struck a permanent frown , and Kenneth Clarke , the Home Secretary , stifled a yawn or two and when he thought no-one was looking .
23 When he thought one might be possible , he was immensely sentimental , would give up everything for a lover ; yet it was his own exigence that made it difficult for anyone to live up to him , to match his quick apprehension , his wide range of interests , the fervour with which he experienced everything .
24 He had left as soon as he could , leaving Joe to consume half a bottle of whisky whole he raced through the backstreets , slowing to a walk only when he spotted someone approaching .
25 When he dranked anything .
26 I was just about to offer him my pen when he produced one from his carrier bag : a grotty looking biro with a chewed end .
27 Nigel liked the sound of all that — he thought parts of her story might be an exaggeration — the Arab princes — but he recognized a good PR job when he heard one .
28 When he heard nothing , he wrote to headquarters again .
29 and it were gone about seven or eight weeks and when he heard nowt about it
30 He looked at Bernard , frowned , then glanced round sharply when he heard someone calling him from the end of the counter .
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