Example sentences of "them [conj] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Do you collect a wide range of them , some of them or just a few of them ?
2 What we discover within this secret part of ourselves is an inner being , a soul , an inner mind , and inner life , an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in its potentialities , more plastic , more powerful , more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind , life or body ; especially , it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces , movements , objects of the cosmos , a direct feeling and opening to them , a direct action of them and even a widening of itself beyond the limit of the personal mind , the personal life , the body , so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of out too narrow mental , vital , physical existence .
3 That 's one house that adjoins them and then a little further on it 's a lane .
4 Well , there are next door neighbours , who I think are very nice , but I do n't think that Jackie and Ned got a lot in common with them that 's , tha that 's one house that adjoins them and then a little further on , its a lane , its about as wide as this Brenda .
5 During the trial seven other women revealed that he had also assaulted them and afterwards a senior detective said that Courtney could have abused 100 women .
6 It is great to be around friends who have never had a weight problem and find that I have a lot more energy than them and certainly a lot more breath !
7 There was a buzz of expectation about them and quite a few seemed to be smiling and jolly .
8 Newspapers , journalists do n't just work office hours , I know they 'd like to but they , they I do n't let them but also a tremendous problem that they that that that you are always tied up in meetings and things during the day , you know , so make sure , try and develop personal contacts so you 've got a decent personal contact when you do n't mind giving your home number to someone .
9 It was almost directly in front of them but still a good distance away .
10 I asked her whether she felt she could walk past them , giving them as wide a berth as the width of the pavement would allow .
11 There are also some that are actually innocuous but are seldom eaten for they have taken a rather complicated gamble by copying the colours of poisonous caterpillars to delude aggressors into giving them as wide a berth as the creatures they mimic .
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