Example sentences of "them [conj] [verb] away " in BNC.

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1 We often used to squat on them until chased away by Mr. Dean who was a horse dealer .
2 Prince Charlie 's servants ushering him urgently on to a boat , looking anxiously over their shoulders to check that no traitor has deceived them and given away the location of the Prince 's departure , when suddenly the Prince spies a dark hole some miles away on the side of a hill .
3 He saw me up the steps and then bounded down them and drove away .
4 After a few minutes a young woman came out of the street door below them and walked away .
5 was getting really cross and was beginning to call the police over she just produced a card and they just throw it and said this means nothing to me , this means nothing to me , cover your head and she just laughed at them and walked away , but he , he pounced on a Filipino girl who was actually wearing jeans , and socks and said her jeans were too short
6 It is at that moment that Jesus comes , not as a ghost but as himself , to save them and take away their fear .
7 However , they 're not so stupid as to allow the adventurers to forge such a document right in front of them and get away with it .
8 Round she went , mouth slightly parted , eyes seeing who knew what in that circle of lights running into a liquid line as the machine quickened ; in the faces , all one blur below her as she was swung out to them and back away from them again ; in the dark caverns of leaves away above in the trees which seemed so distant , so other , lit in strange patches by the wandering spotlights , strange shadows feeling their way over branches as the lighted islands in the gathering dark turned and twirled , swayed , shuddered , slowed and came to rest .
9 He stared at her , wanting to cross the space between them and kiss away her tears ; to forgive her everything and start again .
10 Blackberry clearly thought that he might be going to attack them and backed away .
11 Yes they woke up and they 're carving them and cutting away , but could n't say anything .
12 On that great night , I stood with them and chipped away with my bare hands , until my fingers were bleeding , to bring down that iniquitous wall .
13 The three men stood together for some time while the long-faced sheep ambled around them , sometimes coming close to examine them but scuttering away at the slightest of their movements , sending a ripple of bells through the whole flock .
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