Example sentences of "them [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , one of them attacked it with a large branch , striking it a damaging blow .
2 Now the thing that worries me is that the N R A and our linkage with them is I do n't think it 's early days for them and they have n't got the the power and the erm law behind them to enforce it as the way which I think most of us would like to think of have a erm erm an organization tha that can in fact start bringing the law in that if people fail to do what they say erm so that aspect I think I now Chris also mentioned this erm tilting in West Sussex and again that mentioned in the structure plan , because I six mill a year but in ten years that 's two and a half inches .
3 Though they are what is commonly called our enemies , yet , if they make proper use of what I have laboured for , let them enjoy it with the blessing of God .
4 If we decide er , at each point of the committee meeting I , I think we should be processing any and suggestion forms that procedure owners have received , in a reasonable time , in order for them to process it before that meeting .
5 C. and D. then , fraudulently and without the defendant 's knowledge , made arrangements with the building society to borrow £15,000 on the security of the property to enable them to purchase it for £24,500 from the defendant .
6 Oh the peedie ones did it four or five or six acre you cut the and bag it the barley to them put it in the er the bagger on the machine you see .
7 Rationalization refers to people 's efforts to construct an explanation for their fallibility which allows them to own it without feeling bad about it .
8 In order to teach potential students the value of laundry work you make them do it for a while .
9 I told her I 'll do my own thing , I 'm not letting them do it for me .
10 What they need , apart from encouragement , is a little practical know-how about the job they are taking on , to enable them to tackle it with confidence .
11 They must have longed for quiet and solitude , for space to shed their tears in private , or even to vent their anger , but none of them showed it in public .
12 How about your Christmas card this year ? why not knit one and them photograph it for a really professional look ?
13 After all , this way they can extol its benefits woman-to-woman ; and that 's why the client wanted them to experience it for themselves . ’
14 Of course er they have about erm well I 'm not sure , about twenty eight or thirty thousand gallons of diesel stocked up there , and of course in them buying it in bulk like that they get it at a cheaper rate .
15 ‘ Then tomorrow , you can take it down to the oven and tell them to put it at the bottom , so it -cooks really slowly , to keep it moist . ’
16 Naturally the two officers protest that their girls are different , but Alfonso persuades them to put it to the test .
17 I hate the system that forces them to do it for a living and then screws them afterwards . ’
18 ‘ They play three at the back , but the ability of players like Awford enables them to use it as a springboard for attack as well as a defensive system .
19 ‘ But for them to use it against our own people ! ’
20 He did n't know what they had been doing to him , but whatever it was he did n't like it , and he was going to let them know it in the only way he knew — by making as loud a noise as he could !
21 This is what people do before parties : she has seen them doing it on television : indeed , she used to do it herself when she was young , when she had no need of such substances , before she reverted so inexorably to her ancestral type .
22 I know it sounds mad but I suddenly had an image of them doing it on the carpet in the office like a couple of dogs . ’
23 ‘ If they do n't do it in training I ca n't see them doing it on the park . ’
24 If they could shoot my child what would stop them doing it to someone else ?
25 If the adults feel guilty , then let them take it to supervision .
26 Now why , what made them take it to the stage
27 The Conti family held on to Sora after the election of Innocent 's successor , Honorius III , who wished to retain their loyalty and allowed them to keep it in return for payment , but lost the territory back to the Regno after a successful campaign by Frederick II in 1221 .
28 The orchestra was not playing it in time , so I made them rehearse it at a slower tempo .
29 He gave the impression of telling the detectives what had happened and asking them to believe it on the authority of his charm and personality .
30 When it came to fisticuffs Sean Connery was happy to mix it with the best of them — ‘ He believed stuntmen were there to take the knocks and let them have it in the fight scenes , ’ said one .
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