Example sentences of "them [verb] [Wh det] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Fact is , I do n't want them to see what 's going on in the next few hours .
2 Then , the mist dissipates to allow them to see what is below .
3 Well it 's , I mean it 's letting them know what 's going off at other prisons .
4 It 's wonderful , is n't it , when trades have trade papers that can help them understand what is really going on in the world .
5 DOES ANYONE ELSE YEARN FOR PEACE , love , etc and want somebody to help them understand what is going on ? ?
6 Parents may be confronting their children repeatedly demanding them to do what is asked and find that this produces immense negative emotional reactions : temper tantrums or complete refusal to co-operate are common .
7 The main message to get across is that concentration on selective , analytic listening will help them to recognise what is being said , and that practice usually brings confidence .
8 ‘ Few human geographers seem willing to come out of their national shells and take the wider view which would enable them to understand what is going on within their own countries ’ ( Thrift , 1986 , 62 ) .
9 The more involved that teachers feel , the greater is the tendency for them to understand what is required for the review , to consider the LEA guidelines to be adequate and to recall the review .
10 No , it should be a permanent link , and er the calls will be er supported by the National Asthma Campaign and , as I said , it 's particularly er useful to newly diagnosed asthmatics in helping them to understand what 's happening to them and obtain advice , er .
11 I have tried , without , I hope , ignoring economic and social factors , not to let them obliterate what is after all the key to any historical situation — the men who thought or acted in this way or that . ’
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