Example sentences of "when [pron] [is] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or again , in textbook families , where there is invariably a mother , father , boy , and girl ( notwithstanding the fact that now over 30% of families in this country are now single-parent ) , the turns are taken regularly and predictably , with an order and courtesy that I fail to recognise from conversations in my own 4-member household , on those rare occasions when everyone is present .
2 ‘ We can leave in an hour or so when everyone is asleep .
3 When everyone is ready , lift together and put the person 's buttocks up against the base of the pillows .
4 When everyone is fit , I 'm usually the one sitting on the substitutes ' bench .
5 ‘ We 've had to chop and change on a regular basis this season , but it could hold us in good stead because when everyone is fit again , we 'll know we have people who can operate well in different positions . ’
6 When everyone is happy with the page , the metal is wheeled over to a large proofing press , which makes a positive impression of very high quality .
7 The drawing illustrates a situation where heavy hidden costs arise just when everyone is happy that the project is nearing completion .
8 I suppose it would bore you to come and see my poor children , but they do need amusing , they are at that stage of convalescing when nothing is entertaining for very long and Mamma is certainly not entertaining at all , so a pretty thing like you would be a breath of fresh air .
9 Yet now , she thought , when nothing is wrong , there are no misfortunes to speak of , now I am lying here loath to admit the weariness of getting up .
10 ‘ We 'll call you when yours is ready . ’
11 When someone is rude — a waiter , a civil servant , a politician — she says ‘ Huh , if I was you I 'd sue . ’
12 A visit when someone is sick or an invitation to coffee is far more appreciated — and remembered — than a call to discuss committee problems .
13 Experiences , they argued , are identical with brain states ; but when someone is conscious of his experiences he is not conscious of his brain as such : it takes modern science to tell us that consciousness is a state of the brain .
14 When someone is ill with AIDS they are often in pain .
15 The jargon when somebody 's new you presume they know the word plinth
16 word you want when somebody 's good with their hands ?
17 It 's weird , but when she 's asleep she looks real young , even though her face is all puffy .
18 Only other thing I can you do is try it on when she 's asleep .
19 I I 'll see her when she 's sober cos she 's ever so drunk !
20 But John said , when she 's stupid enough to be trying to sell that house and who 'd buy that thing , stuck up the end of that road ?
21 I 'll have a word with her when she 's awake , she 's still on a third dream I should think at the moment but she 's er , certainly good talking , I could , I could try and get her without her knowing about it and see what happens , just dinner time I 'll take it down and try it , oh you 're gon na take it round Steve 's ai n't you ?
22 Mala just goes pale when she 's anxious , with slight darkening of her eyes .
23 This way , she can take her time packing your stuff and follow on when she 's good and ready . ’
24 Because the housekeeper sorts all that out , so when she 's away no one does it ?
25 When she 's well enough .
26 When she 's late with her flowers , you know . "
27 When she 's used to eating red hot curries
28 ‘ I say , what do you think about Fergie going skiing when she 's pregnant ? ’
29 When she 's married ten years hence , she 'll compare her husband 's performance with yours and he 'll come off worse — every time .
30 When she 's tired I worry like mad .
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