Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb past] their " in BNC.

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1 When everyone had their drink Kate sat beside her mother .
2 I found him talking to Miss Ingram , who looked at me in disgust when I interrupted their conversation .
3 In this case , though , when I totalled their length it came to 2,000 words ; and the books editor had asked for 700 .
4 The woman and three children were now laughing and I was pleased about that , as they had looked scared stiff when I entered their house a few moments before .
5 If Cad had become aware of him on that occasion , as she soon would , when she became their go-between , she would have taken his attachment as her due : she counted the giving of delight as nothing for she accomplished it without intending it .
6 Fourteen years ago Barbara Wootton identified a problem for social workers when she surveyed their job advertising , and looked at the jargon and specialised language which described the task applicants would perform .
7 Yet in The Rake 's Progress de Valois found something new to say about the ladies of the town when she made their leader kick off her shoes , pull up her long yellow skirt and roll down her red stockings before bursting barefooted into a riotous dance on a great salver .
8 So how could she possibly tell her friend about the almost wild grief she felt at the prolonged absence of her husband ; the deep , stabbing pain in her heart when she remembered their wonderful night of passion ?
9 He sent the tape to the secretary 's bosses — who are leading politicians in Bonn — when she ended their relationship , said the Bild newspaper yesterday .
10 I think one of the most valuable points that emerged from the Felixstowe experience , as far as I was concerned anyway was the fact that with all those people there when we heard their views , erm , it was quite apparent that it was n't the case of local people opposing what the County Council traffic people propose to do , many there were many different and varying interests there and , and we , we could , we can then basically come to a conclusion which satisfied , satisfied I hope most of them , but , we , we , at that meeting among the local people some supporters with some of our road safety and some were very much against them , others were neutral , but it was n't just a question of erm a , a united opposition of what we proposed to do er , and this was very valuable .
11 [ The British ] had pressed for some time for a continuation of a combined staff relationship and had only been convinced that we were serious in rejecting this when we moved their combined staff people out of the Pentagon and moved the standing group [ of Nato ] in .
12 Then , when they announced their engagement , love , marriage and a lifetime wedded to the monarchy meant very different things to the future King and Queen .
13 Although the workers were given written instructions as to their role when they began their work with a client , this role always expanded so that they were eventually performing several functions for the client .
14 In addition , the relevant committees , when they began their work , would be obliged to operate not with fairly loose guidelines and a relaxed timetable but with specific ceilings and a tight schedule .
15 Trafalgar moved out of the press again when they sold their titles to United Newspapers in 1985 .
16 Television documentary-makers asked them , respectfully , about exactly how they felt when they hacked their aged mothers to death or disembowelled a neighbour 's child .
17 Often a son or daughter will have been on the brink of a promising career when they developed their first symptoms .
18 But when they booked their new car into Tristar Motors for its first service , they found their old model waiting for them .
19 The men , who covered 1,350 miles unaided and set two world records , were said to be ‘ more dead than alive ’ when they radioed their base camp to request an airlift .
20 It was for this reason that many of them carefully locked their front doors when they left their homes .
21 When they left their stalls at the end of Lauds , and approached the night stairs to return to their beds , a slight , habited figure arose from its knees to confront them , stepping into what light there was very gingerly , but with resigned resolution , like one expecting a bleak welcome , but braced to endure and survive it .
22 As they entered the little general store , Fen produced a long list of necessities , and when they left their arms were piled high with brown paper bags .
23 An approach to simplifying this task was first made by Boenninghausen and later by Kent when they produced their repertories , or collections of symptoms and signs common to each remedy .
24 I would add that toy manufacturers used a good deal of imagination and licence when they produced their models , perhaps not taking into account the keen eye and future criticism of FlyPast readers !
25 It was they whom the justices at Speenhamland had in mind in a year of extreme hunger when they produced their system of allowances in aid of wages determined by the ruling price of bread and by family size .
26 Parents would not see their children for most of the day , and when they finished their daily work they would be too tired for much except rest .
27 We asked who led the Lancasters into action when they dropped their bouncing bombs .
28 Scarborough festival when they omitted their leading strike bowlers .
29 ‘ Our Leader does n't like to be told that his election was a fraud , that actual grievous bodily harm was perpetrated to bring him victory , that people were n't telling the truth when they said they wanted him , only him , when they said their hearts beat as one with love of him .
30 He guessed that when they made their report , probably by radio to a close in-surface unit , the MOD would finish the job and order the destruction of the Titron .
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