Example sentences of "when [noun] [vb past] she " in BNC.

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1 When Olivier arrived she seemed somehow rejuvenated and filming continued .
2 For example , when Perk disappeared she was wearing a yellow dress and it was only after the second time that I realised the significance of Gail ( Perk 's older sister ) finding a yellow ribbon in Mr Elder 's ( the lodger ) drawer .
3 It was a happy evening , and when Sophie left she asked , ‘ May I tell Joanna ? ’
4 When Eleanor said she could never think up anything to tell the priest at confession Clary was like lightning .
5 When crises arose she went into a condition of sustained fizz ; you almost expected bubbles to come popping out of her head .
6 When daylight came she got up and dressed .
7 When Mo said she was in favour of overhauling the system , Sharon asked : ‘ How ?
8 When Steer died she is reported to have said , ‘ Now he and Sickert are gone I 'm the only artist left ’ ! 13 She wanted to be seen at the top where she clearly felt she belonged , doing the same as the best , as well as the best .
9 When Hari returned she saw that Craig was standing at the window looking out into the darkness .
10 When Maggie returned she found them locked in the strained silence .
11 A murmur crossed the room like a wave when Blanche revealed she was seeking a man called Mr Kennedy , who had been due to meet Nicola Sharpe at nine o'clock on the night she was murdered .
12 When morning came she was too ill with the poison to move and despite her weak protests he told her he would watch over her , for no eagle should be prey to gull or crow .
13 But when morning came she still had to keep a firm hold on her feelings , especially when Joanna pressed her to describe her evening with Giles .
14 But when Baby came she thought if it was a Nigerian boy it would have been so easy .
15 She was the best horse at Ascot where she got disqualified and she was brilliant at Sandown when people said she would n't handle going much the same as it will be at York . ’
16 Louise asked perceptively , and when Sally blushed she turned to Paula .
17 She knew about the hound , and when Selden died she guessed that the hound had killed him .
18 They said no more about her family , but Doctor Boland dominated Kathleen 's conversation and when Anne left she felt much happier about her friend .
19 Cos she asked last night , I was supposed to be taking Jenny and then when Fay came she asked me if I 'd take Fay as well today so it looks as though Charlotte 's mum did everybody took everybody home .
20 Yeah when Joyce went she were learning them to bake she says
21 When Cinzia said she was staying ‘ in town ’ , he 'd assumed that she meant the Miletti villa .
22 He and Sarah fell about laughing , especially when Nora said she thought it clever rather than funny .
23 When Nora came she would get her to run up to the flat and root out that paste thing she 'd once bought on a whim at Selfridges .
24 ‘ Shall I get the doctor to come and see you ? ’ she asked , and was surprised when Betty said she thought it might be a good idea .
25 ‘ Yes , she knew , but she wanted things hushed up , so when Mam said she was marrying Henry she did n't protest over much , because Mam was in such a state then she would have brought the whole thing to light .
26 When Alice said she had to go , because she was expecting Jasper , and stood up , Andrew did too , and seemed to hesitate .
27 When Rhoda came she brought her daughter a bottle of sherry .
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