Example sentences of "when [pers pn] is still " in BNC.

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1 What is the point , they ask , of freeing the market when it is still monopoly-ridden ?
2 The reproductive success of a female baboon is fixed when it is still being nursed
3 So librarians are surprised , and a little hurt , when it is still suggested ( as I have heard educational technologists and others suggest at conferences ) that they are shy , retiring administrators , concerned more with order than with use .
4 The cheetah , forced to make its run when it is still some distance from the herd , may now spend crucial moments distinguishing its chosen target from among the confusing mass of racing bodies ahead of it .
5 Test pasta after approximately 10 mins ( most packaging will give you the cooking times , in any case ) — pasta should never be overcooked — it is ready when it is still firm .
6 In the case of pupils who are totally blind , or have little guiding sight , an orderly and reasonably predictable environment can help the pupil when he is still gaining confidence in independent mobility , but experience in purposeful movement and appropriate mobility training are even more essential .
7 He flirts occasionally with the rhinoceros and the camel as self-images , but mainly , secretly , essentially , he is the Bear : a stubborn bear ( 1852 ) , a bear thrust deeper into bearishness by the stupidity of his age ( 1853 ) , a mangy bear ( 1854 ) , even a stuffed bear ( 1869 ) ; and so on down to the very last year of his life , when he is still ‘ roaring as loudly as any bear in its cave ’ ( 1880 ) Note that in Hérodias , Flaubert 's last completed work , the imprisoned prophet Iaokanann , when ordered to stop howling his denunciations against a corrupt world , replies that he too will continue crying out ‘ like a bear ’ .
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