Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [vb past] we " in BNC.

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1 I do n't begrudge the support we 've given , but I was annoyed when I realised we were being taken for granted .
2 When I knew we were going to talk , I dug out some of my old history books .
3 He led us out to sea after four 88s in a long stern chase — always deadly , particularly over Malta — when I saw we were actually overtaking the 88s , I realised they were acting as decoys .
4 I mean when I had we got C D serviced .
5 ( Years later , he came down to a jam with The Pistols when I thought we needed a keyboard player .
6 When I started we only had about five per cent of the biscuit trade .
7 When I started we used ink pens and sat on high stools — and the only way to add up was in your head , ’ she said .
8 Fortunately , when I did we maintained a perfect climbing attitude , I completed my mission , during which I spent sometime thinking about the young airman who had done the daily inspection of the instruments , and had left the auto pilot engaged .
9 And having committed the boy to a day on the rubbish , he could hardly turn me down when I suggested we settle for a couple of hours ' conversation over a few beers , after he 'd sorted out the mess .
10 When I suggested we just … just put it down to experience , I did n't expect you to start dissecting and analysing everything , and mocking me in the process … ’
11 ‘ She was so unbelievably exultant when you announced we were to marry , ’ muttered Meredith sulkily .
12 " Or were you expecting this when you took us into the wood ? "
13 His colleague , the poet Thomas Gray , six years his senior , was becoming concerned for his reputation in other respects by 1747 when he wrote to his friend Thomas Warton about Smart 's conduct : ‘ His debts daily increase ( you remember the state they were in when you left us ) ’ .
14 Though why I should care , when you left us like you did , is more than I know . ’
15 ‘ Then , when you disinherited me on the spot — oh , I do n't blame you for that , do n't think it ! — when you said we might reap the just rewards of our flight and marry as paupers , he … he left me flat . ’
16 When you said we 'll talk about that question last .
17 When you told us about Naniel and a , you know ?
18 ‘ You knew that there was still Darkfall activity when you sent us in ? ’
19 The Lady Mayoress and I were honoured to have y have the pleasure of your company when you visited us recently .
20 So when you showed us you did n't want to hear about your mother , we thought — well , we thought we 'd better go along with you .
21 She did n't attach any importance to it at the time and it was only when she heard we were interested in anyone who had seen Garland between Saturday and Wednesday that she thought it worth mentioning . ’
22 When she told us about this visit , she hoped it would be centred around a seminar , funded by the Romanian government , at which tutors would be trained to teach machine knitting to young people whose chances of employment near their own homes were otherwise remote .
23 It was an exhilarating meeting with her , because she was at her best and talking as she writes , and trying not to smile when she made us laugh .
24 However , we were not actually doing anything unlawful when she saw us so there was n't a thing she could do , I 'm pleased to say .
25 ‘ Yesterday Margrida was saying that when she saw us together at the lunch she felt we shared an affinity , ’ Ashley recalled .
26 Did she send you in with an order tonight — when she knew we were going to do our Christmas shopping and have a meal together ?
27 ( Of course we understood none of this really , we just thought she was fabulous ; when she left us , simply left us , taking only the jewels , we were terrified and had no idea of how to keep things going .
28 Arthur said : ‘ We wondered if she would like a little sponsorship and agreed that when she competed we 'd give her some meat .
29 When she met us off the train in Paris she was living alone .
30 But when she said we were going by Concorde , that , to an engineering student , was it . ’
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