Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 When I introduce myself to a class that I am working with for the first time I frequently begin by asking them to sit close by me on the floor and listen with their eyes shut to the sound of a pair of Indian bells struck together .
2 Is the top , I mean I broke , had to get in my own house when I locked myself out once when I 'd been in the garden and I , I just got in by leaning through the top window and opening the bottom window , so now I always lock the bottom windows , I do n't bother locking the top one I open it
3 When I position myself in front of her , she barely notices .
4 When I got myself transferred over to your department , I discovered that you 're well-known among the girls in the office .
5 ‘ The first thing I thought when I saw myself on video was , ‘ Gosh , do I really look that bad ? ’ ’ confides Kitty , who has the problematic body of your standard middle-aged woman : potbelly , cellulite , stretch marks .
6 Is it only two weeks since that bleak morning when I had nothing for a future and everything seemed too late , when I dragged myself about the house , alone and miserable and weighed down by self-pity ?
7 Still he was n't surprised at all at my giggles when I dragged myself back to view it for a second time .
8 When I sign myself ‘ Vincent ’ it is as one of them . ’
9 When I know myself , ’ he said , ‘ I shall tell you . ’
10 When I recovered myself and controlled my weeping , my attention was attracted by Granny 's photograph hanging over the mantelshelf .
11 Personally , when I counted myself a Christian , I had no interest in finding female figures or ‘ feminine ’ motifs within the religion .
12 ‘ Beware the falconer with the clean glove , ’ they say , and certainly I was looking forward to getting my glove dirty — at least metaphorically — with some practical experience when I booked myself on a falconry course on Bodmin Moor in the summer of 1988 .
13 Just for the sake of neatness , I 'd asked Miss Hinkle to set Sam Thompson to work finding out about Mrs. Porter and her big black car when I excused myself early in the interview with her .
14 Not surprisingly , I was discovered , and when I presented myself at Wandsworth police station I was arrested .
15 I knew nobody and had no idea of what to expect when I presented myself to the new teacher in my new black overall and white collar .
16 So I was n't bitter when I put myself into the hands of the surgeon and that splendid bank nurse was so thoughtful as to ask me the question .
17 When I see myself in the mirror I realise why ; I am very unattractive .
18 When I see myself , ’ Ted said , ‘ I am Lying in a hammock , just swinging , just swinging . ’
19 I was beginning to think that I would be going home fishless when I found myself singing , ‘ He shall feed his flock ’ ; and fell to musing upon how well I would be able to feed five , let alone five thousand , given the reluctance of the fish to show even a snout above the surface .
20 Anyway , I did some radio interviews and I was quite taken aback when I found myself over the front page of the Evening Standard .
21 Said the communique De Benedetti sent out by facsimile about an hour after his meeting with the judges , which the paper said seemed to be written in his own hand : ‘ Several times , I resisted the vexations of the regime , in some occasions I resigned myself to accept them , but only when I found myself faced with the necessity of defending the survival of the company and the thousands of dependents and shareholders toward whom I felt a massive responsibility .
22 I started not having much time for the French and the Walloons , which is to say the French-speaking Belgians , when I found myself among them in 1944 .
23 It appears to have escaped Berkeley 's attention that not all imaginary things , for example a drunkard 's pink rats , are voluntary and lack the vivacity of the real thing , and also that , when I set myself to imagine something , I can make my ideas as orderly and coherent as I like .
24 When I set myself to search this site , my first little breakthrough came when I uncovered a bronze coin weight ; this was in very poor condition but I was able to make out that it was 17th century in date .
25 Your five minutes only start when you make yourself known .
26 I should n't ever have got myself into that position but it 's a wonderful feeling when you get yourself out of it .
27 She says , I did n't feel th right about taking , I says , well when you get yourself straightened out , I says , if you pop into town and Kath 's in town , you bump into her , I said take her for one of them meals .
28 So that when you introduce yourself , you are seen as a haulier , was the phrase you used , er , and we , we 'd all need to spend an awful lot of time and an awful lot of effort into raising ourselves above that image , I mean there 's nothing wrong with being a haulier , all I 'm saying is that we have to raise ourselves above that image .
29 I 've seen what happens when you let yourself go .
30 When you protect yourself against German Measles , you 're protecting your unborn children .
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