Example sentences of "said that [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the interviews most of the lead clinicians said that day to day relationships with patients had changed very little .
2 The plaintiffs said that interpretation of the agreement could only be a matter for the court .
3 They found that the worst abuses had been committed at the notorious Quatro " rehabilitation centre " in Angola but also said that conditions in other ANC camps in Angola , Tanzania , Uganda and Zambia had in no way been " remotely acceptable " .
4 They said that shortage of staff at the HSE meant that all the officers working on implementing the advisory committee 's proposals , which were published in October 1979 , were switched in 1980 to work on the EEC scheme .
5 The Independent of Aug. 28 said that members of the ISI and of the United States Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) and the head of Saudi Arabia 's military intelligence , Prince Turki al-Saud , had met in Islamabad on Aug. 26 to discuss a common strategy in preparation for the talks .
6 The ANC said that discussions with the government , which had been resumed following the intervention of UN envoy Vance [ see p. 38991 ] , had proved " fruitless " because there had been " no visible movement " from the government in terms of meeting the ANC 's core demands [ see p. 38948 ] .
7 Announcing the decision to go ahead unilaterally , Environment Secretary Michael Heseltine said that discussions within the EC had become deadlocked over the extent of information to be contained on the label .
8 In a separate appeal issued on the same day to the Lithuanian people Gorbachev said that developments in their republic were causing " extreme concern and bewilderment " throughout the Soviet Union , and that people were calling on the Soviet government to use " economic , political and administrative measures " to defend the USSR Constitution and the country 's integrity .
9 In a nationally televised speech , Bush said that developments in the Soviet Union had made it possible for the United States unilaterally to " take steps to make the world a less dangerous place than ever before in the nuclear age " .
10 The ICJ statement of April 14 cited Resolution 748 ( which had been approved after the Libyan submission had first been made to the ICJ ) and said that obligations of the various parties with respect to that resolution " prevail over their obligations under any other international agreement " .
11 The Australian Prime Minister , Bob Hawke , said that policies towards Indonesia would be reviewed if the inquiry into the Dili massacre was a " whitewash " .
12 On Jan. 24 , 1990 , Hoyte said that $27,000,000 of the $95,000,000 pledged by the group to help the ERP over its three-year period had been disbursed .
13 Erm quite rightly the director said that predictions in terms of residential admissions and nursing home admissions would be easier to make this year than last year and I accept it was very difficult then year but I 'd just like to know how close the actual outcome is likely to be to the original prediction , really for information , not because I think you could have got it any closer than did but it would be just interesting to know what the s the gap was .
14 Machungo said that priorities for 1990 included cutting inflation from 40 to 15-18 per cent , with GDP growth targeted at between 4 and 6 per cent .
15 You thought that you had problems halvard … on the teletext yesterday it said that agencies in Ireland were selling tickets for their 3 games at a staggering 250 quid each ! !
16 Aiming at 70 Implementor sales for 1993 , Hugh McCartney , the company 's managing director said that 75% of business will still come from people developing applications for the AS/400 : ‘ We expect people to migrate in two to three years .
17 He said that residents of the first floor flats , which had not been flooded had been told that they would have to return as soon as possible .
18 He repeated the Government 's support for Mr Patten , who embarked on his reforms last October , and said that publication of the plans was only a first step which should not be an obstacle to talks with Beijing .
19 On Sept. 15 René Alseny Gomez , Secretary-General to the Presidency , said that legislation on the adoption of democracy would be ready by Dec. 31 , thus creating the conditions for the launch of the democratic process in the new year ; he also said that although a two-party system was envisaged by the Transitional Committee for National Recovery , more parties could be created if " national conditions " required .
20 Meanwhile , the UK Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd , in a speech to the House of Commons on Feb. 22 , said that reforms in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union were likely to transform NATO into a political rather than a military alliance .
21 Bush said that restrictions on trade and investment would continue until the elections , but offered humanitarian aid and direct financial assistance for the elections .
22 Dr Umberto Saffiotti , an experimental pathologist at the National Cancer Institute at the time , said that type of no-effect level toxicology posed was ‘ developed during the Stone Age of toxicology ’ , and has nothing to do with self-replicating effects of carcinogens .
23 He also said that part of the deal would be that the IAAF would not be informed that a doping offence had taken place which , given that the athletes were suspended by the IAAF , suggested that Mr Emig was not fully conversant with international regulations .
24 Philip Larkin ( in Required Writing ) said that part of the reason he wrote was that no one else had written what he wanted to read , and W. B. Yeats claimed that rhetoric emerges out of one 's quarrel with other people and poetry out of the quarrel with oneself .
25 Professor Stewart Sutherland , vice-chancellor of the university , said that funding for the library was needed either from schools , colleges or institutes within the university or from the higher education funding council for England .
26 Speaking at a banquet in Jakarta , the Indonesian capital , on Aug. 7 , Li stressed the importance attached by China to the Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) , and said that differences in social systems should not affect the development of friendly relations and mutual trust .
27 In Belchier v Reynolds ( 1754 ) 3 Keny 87 at 88 the court said that differences in the valuation of an estate could never be a reason to set the valuation aside , and ordered specific performance , but , as it was " a hard case on the defendants " , ordered each party to bear its own costs .
28 Soon after becoming Chancellor in 1969 , however , he said that contacts with East Germany must be developed and offered to settle past differences with Russia and Poland .
29 As for open systems , Bonfield said that 85% of all the group 's products now come under this category .
30 Mr Rushdie said that leaders of Labour parties elsewhere in the world had declared overt passionate support for this issue .
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