Example sentences of "said to i [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He 's only said these things , sort of , trying out to see because he does n't he does n't know if very much , oh it 's so sad Brenda , he said to me we were talking on Wednesday night , I think and he looked wistfully at me and he said I only want to be taught .
2 I rang , I rang , I went to the dole office , when I went down I ask them as soon as I left Ann said the same , go down the dole when you ask about your poll tax , they said to me we ca n't give you any id , er anything , you have to phone them , council building site , I phone the council building and they asked me , that 's why I sent all your wage slips in for
3 but I know Kay was n't very pleased with Sister about these sort of erm stout things , cos Sister said well if they 're not collected by the time of the next jumble , we sort of empty the cupboard and put them all in for erm the jumble sale Kay said to me they 're not hers to do that with
4 Right come the morning arrived and and somebody else I ca n't remember who though , and there we were all ready to go and were walking with the press into the massive great shed where they roll the paper and make it a massive place the size of a couple of football pitches , we were just going in the door and somebody said to me they 're no gon na be using their flash guns are they ?
5 Somebody once said to me they think it 's really rude if they did n't bring wine to a , to a dinner party and then they do n't have to have to drink it .
6 So Angela did n't want to get involved — she did n't need the capital , after all — and she said to me she might do it in a year or so when Miss Huntley had calmed down . ’
7 Extract 2 oh listen I wanted to tell you one of the girls in my supply class we 'll hoover when we come back wo n't we she said to me she looked at my shoes and she said you 've got flashy shoes or something I said I got them in Spain she said Miss are you Spanish I thought it was really funny
8 Cos she said to me she said guess what ?
9 She 's a miss really but she just she said to me she was miss , but she might have said ms , you know ?
10 And she said , she said to her mother last week she went up to see her and she said to me she said , out of the blue it come she said
11 The thing is the said to me she said , oh were going out in style and have a drink , had a really nice sandwich there like , it was french loaf about that bit , get nice home cooked lot 's of cheese and onion right , really nice .
12 Cos she said to me she said Christ thirty years in Sandy Road you get lost in it !
13 And she said to me she said , Mrs she said , I like to hear to talk because she said you do n't put no airs on .
14 As a result of what one of the men ( the witness ) John Smith said to me I spoke to the accused etc . ’
15 So he ate his tea later and then he said to me I 'm not gon na hit him any more .
16 I 'm not having it er she did n't do the , when she said to me I want to speak to you about it , she said , you know , she was n't involving me at all was she ?
17 He said to me I 'm not a very nice person .
18 You see I put me poster up in the window and then me flipping dad said to me I do n't know whether you should have that poster up , what if Miss is around , Conservative , so I bloody took it down and put it in a magazine , I thought when we 've got
19 He spend fifty , said to me I
20 Touching my shoulder she said to me I want all the ones , all the ones .
21 she said oh yes you will , then she said to me I 'm sorry to tell you you did n't make , she said you made exc , but she said I do n't want you to feel erm disgruntled she said because er , you done a fabulous interview , the only thing that let you down was of lack of experience , so I said well you 're never gon na get any cos you , nobody let's you in , they do n't open the door
22 I want well out of it , so course she come in got changed , so he said to me I would like you tomorrow to have a word with Robin about stopping her coming down to us he said because erm it makes me feel very uncomfortable he said and we had that hassle he said it 's a load of nonsense he said I 've forgotten
23 Well he says , said to me I do n't know why you 're going to keep , er th to slimming thing cos you , because I ca n't tell no difference with you .
24 said to me I 've of told you to take half an hour so actually
25 he said to me I need a .
26 Julia did n't care a sod about that kid , she 'd let her to scream on , stand in the middle of the garden screaming , indoors screaming and she said to me I have no feelings for her whatsoever but she took the bloody money every week and this is what 's so wrong , nobody knows how she er was as that child , only people like us who would hear
27 when we found his glasses and that and things they were all buried and , and Peter said to me I 've got this of John 's , I brought Jonathan 's , I could n't care less as long as I 've got John you know
28 I was conducting Elektra in Berlin — I think it was around the time of his 75th birthday — and at the end he came and said to me it was the best performance of the opera he had ever heard .
29 Anyhow I said well I should n't say this I know and I know times have altered , but I said it was n't er I said I 'm not saying it because Martine and Nicola were in it , but I said to me it was n't the same as when they were in it .
30 But er she 's coming a and gives him twenty five pounds for what he 's done oh he came in , he came into the kitchen , it 's ever so funny , he came into the kitchen to tell me about this you see Anyway he came back in there and I said to him I 'm not really enthusiastic about the thought er thinking that I was involved with this as well so the dear woman turned round and said to me it 's only your husband so I said well I 'd better go back in the kitchen where I know my place .
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