Example sentences of "their own [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Under the scheme anyone can send a leaf-shaped card to the June global summit , in Brazil , with their own message to world leaders about the environment .
2 So too does its preoccupation with the shadow of death , looming in their own generation for the first time .
3 They have to buy their own lunch in the university refectory , but that 's an experience in itself , so anybody who wants to come and play student for the day , it 's great fun .
4 They have to buy their own lunch in the University Refectory , but that 's an experience in itself , so anybody who wants to come and play student for the day , it 's , it 's great fun .
5 I do believe that the debate round grievance/disciplinary issues and discrimination by members will really test both the Union 's commitment to EOP and to fighting oppression , as well as how different oppressed groups tackle their own attitudes towards other oppressions .
6 Over the same period , in a ‘ revolution of sovereignties ’ , all the union republics claimed primacy for their own laws over those of the USSR as a whole , and some autonomous republics and regions in turn claimed primacy for their laws over those of the republics within which they were located .
7 The Commission and the applicants in the main proceedings considered that the genuine link which was required to exist between the ship and the flag state under the Conventions of 1958 and 1982 did not give the member states the power to enact their own laws with regard to flagging without having regard to the requirements of Community law .
8 Servants hurried around , to the shrieked orders of officials , and they had to tend to their own horses in the now emptying stables .
9 There was no question of taking away their own machines from women already working as Monotype operators in 1910 .
10 There are possibilities for encouraging pupils to listen to their own reading on tape , and to discuss what is going on , with the aims of helping them toward cognitive clarity and the expression of their feelings about the text .
11 Many parents will also have shown by their own reading of newspapers , periodicals , lists , calendars , instructions and leaflets and by their sending and receiving of letters and cards that reading plays an important role in their daily lives .
12 Liverpool abolitionists drew upon Hodgson 's investigations in the United States , information from Americans and their own reading in the writings of the political economists to document pamphlet arguments for the equalisation of duties on sugar from free and slave-labour areas .
13 Hence there is another reason for regulation , to protect consumers who can not be the best judges of their own welfare in all regards .
14 But people can only provide for their own welfare in a capitalist society if opportunities are available for them in the labour market- and for most , because of transport and accessibility problems , child-care issues and constraints on long-distance migration , it must be the very local labour market .
15 One of the difficulties of using politicians ' or military leaders ' diaries is that they are always likely to be personal justifications of their own actions at the time , and of course they give the impression that the whole of history consists of political intrigue or war .
16 Whether this ethic is actually held by the individual peasants concerned is irrelevant ; presumably they would be unable to specify the grounds for their own actions in this way , but what matters is that their behaviour actually appears to follow this rule , and this has to be sufficient explanation .
17 The Central Authority also felt that Whitehall pruned the Area Boards ' budgets , which could be relatively easily adjusted to meet short-term government policy , more severely than their own budget for generation .
18 Primary care teams will manage their own budget for staff , prescribing , general medical services , etc , and be accountable to the purchaser for their performance .
19 The couple is expected to set up a separate residence for themselves on or shortly after marriage ( that is , and has long been , a general European pattern ) , and the chief obligations of the spouses are to each other and to their children , and only after that to their own families of origin .
20 If the family can be said to perform functions for the society of which it is a part , it performs these functions indirectly ( that is , through the individuals who , as adults , move out of their own families of origin and form families of procreation ) , and possesses a certain degree of latitude as to the performance of these functions .
21 Concretely , modern families are nuclear , consisting only of parents and children , and conjugal , emphasizing the relationship between husband and wife rather than either of their relationships with their own families of origin .
22 Housewives would have the same relationship to the state as public employees , except that the services they render would be allocated to an unchanging unit in an unchanging place — namely , their own families in their own homes .
23 To a series of 20 propositions , covering such headings as finance and capacity , assessment and care management , participation and monitoring and control , they had to rate their own organisation on a scale of one to five .
24 Indeed , with the great roaring fires it looked like hell and the chef , Satan , attended by an army of demons labouring over turning spits and shining platters , interlarding the dripping , roasting lambs and piglets with their own globules of sweat .
25 On sale in M & S food halls is a ring of 40 king prawns with their own pot of mouthwatering cocktail dip .
26 But additionally , and given the enormous importance attached to the equilibration of dignity , not surprisingly , we find reference to a form of self-arbitration , where what they have said and done is judged by reference to their own conceptions of their integrity and dignity , regardless of ‘ popular ’ opinion or the arbitration of specific others .
27 Actions are judged by reference to their own conceptions of dignity and integrity , regardless of other influences .
28 In May 1990 we carried out our own investigation into the story of the alleged " Bleiburg Massacre " , with the aid of Dr Aripand Thurn-Valsassina , the owner of Bleiburg Castle and Mr Robert Plan of the American OSS who led the leading column of the Croats to Bleiburg ( both of whom were present when Brig Scott received the Croat Generals ) , and of Yugoslav historians who have been carrying out their own researches into the massacres in Yugoslavia in 1945 .
29 The peoples of many different countries have settled here and grafted their own cultures on Malaysia — observe the variety of influences on architecture and the cornucopia of festivals celebrated .
30 Both indigenous and immigrant working classes have at various times staked claims to be considered the true backbone of ‘ the nation ’ ( as against a decadent aristocracy or unpatriotic bourgeoisie for example ) through various institutions of public propriety ( churches , labour organizations , community associations ) which at the same time defend the integrity of their own traditions against negative influences in the wider society .
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