Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 1963 the Peerage Bill became law and members of the House of Lords could now renounce their titles and preserve their political careers in the Commons .
2 The severe psychological damage inflicted upon the captive Biros led them to tear themselves from their shackles and plunge into toilet bowls , become suicidally entangled about gear sticks or wrap themselves around handlebars .
3 However , the brothers filed through their shackles and made a desperate and final bid for freedom .
4 Such an inequality has been modified and refined in the decades since emancipation , but blacks have never quite shed the remnants of their shackles and have stayed socially unequal .
5 You see , if you were to make it public now , you would empower those people who might be the victims of this cut to articulate their views and to lobby and to be part of this process , rather than just passive participants .
6 The most appealing strategy is integration or collaboration , by which groups in conflict modify their views and seek a third alternative .
7 ‘ I will be holding surgeries at Netherton Park Community Centre so people can air their views and tell me if there is a problem , ’ he said .
8 In the debate Lord Holland recognised the dread among the upper classes that the lower orders might be seduced by subversive principles , " particularly afloat at this moment " , but also considered that some masters were taking advantage of this moment to " enforce their views and render their workmen more dependent than they had hitherto been and than in all fairness and equity they ought to be " .
9 It is of crucial importance that , while Social Services Departments , voluntary agencies , and professionals are adjusting their views and talking about issues relating to transracial adoption , the matter should be dealt with in a sensitive way .
10 Community Policing will involve local residents , listen to their views and engage their help in the fight against crime .
11 These units will fear they may lose their contracts and close .
12 ‘ We may still have to make penalty payments or let some of the existing agencies run out their contracts and buy airtime . ’
13 Hunting dogs in Africa and wolves in North America also hunt in teams , snapping at the heels of an antelope or a moose , one taking over from the other until their victim is so exhausted that they can get a grip on it with their teeth and pull it down .
14 From this point , Witney took the bit between their teeth and fought back in search of an equaliser .
15 Those who have lost their teeth and wear dentures should still visit their dentist every six months .
16 The reptiles underwent tremendous changes in their skeletal structure , their jaws and their teeth during over their history of more than two hundred million years , some of the predators developing razor sharp rows of fangs , other herbivores losing their teeth and acquiring beak-like jaws .
17 And evidence shows that women feel more inhibited by things like not having cleaned their teeth or feeling grubby .
18 difficulties in the learning of simple actions , such as learning to brush their teeth or tie their shoes because of a difficulty in imitating .
19 The wielder swings the heavy ball over the side of the War Wagon , knocking riders from their mounts and sending foot troopers flying .
20 Leasing the herbage and pannage would disturb the deer in their lairs and deprive them of their pasture .
21 All over the country , the mass-production industries such as cars and shipbuilding are either trimming their operations or shedding workers ( sometimes both ) .
22 UN bureaucrats from the World Food Programme , UNICEF and other agencies will , if Admiral Howe has his way , lose control of their operations and answer directly to him .
23 They have capitalized on the move towards self-catering by heavily introducing this element into their operations and have also benefited from the 1983 and 1984 slight trend back towards domestic holiday taking .
24 In each case , however , corporate Japan 's response was a positive one , with companies restructuring their operations and emerging from the difficulties in a stronger position than before .
25 They gathered their possessions and moved down to the cold , deserted taproom .
26 In response nearly 3,000 of her followers , members of the Church Universal and Triumphant , have packed their possessions and fled to 33,000 acres of church-owned land in Montana 's Paradise Valley .
27 Travellers stripped of their possessions and disappearing into castle dungeons , never to be heard of again .
28 Probably the majority of paedophiliacs suppress their inclinations or indulge them only in fantasy .
29 It is considered more conventional for girls to take arts subjects than sciences ; as convergers tend to be more conventional in outlook , girls are in something of a double bind — they have to decide whether to follow their inclinations or to make a ‘ conventional ’ choice .
30 ‘ I mean , they get these ideas and these bees in their bonnets and try and make everyone think the same way , and they change all the rules and upset everything , and Freud got it wrong in one way and Marx got it wrong in another . ’
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