Example sentences of "their [noun sg] must be " in BNC.

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1 This means that their permission must be gained before any company can either go through their land or start up operations on it .
2 4.20 Where clients are thought to be or are known to be a risk or danger to themselves , other clients or other people and are admitted to a residential or day care facility , their progress must be explicitly monitored by the officer in charge who should keep the line manager informed .
3 ( 1 ) Official figures indicate that one in five of southern Italians and a quarter of Greeks and Portuguese work in agriculture , although the numbers significantly dependent on it for their livelihood must be considerably higher .
4 States that ‘ the essential characteristics of Green Belts is ( sic ) their permanence and their protection must be maintained as far as can be seen ahead ’ .
5 All the same , three of them provide the best available narrative and chronology , and their reliability must be examined in some detail .
6 Their budget must be equal to or greater than the minimum total cost of supplying the expected output .
7 But their teaching must be false , or else no one would be saved . "
8 ‘ A healthy situation should be the first object that ought to fix the attention of the Society — because there is no person but is very well convinced that a marshy and low Ground exhales very unwholesome and putrid vapours which affect the bodies of individuals that may be exposed to their action either through the pores or attracted by the breath , or otherways by the Food and Drink — if these particles will affect healthy bodies , their effect must be much more pernicious on diseased animals , therefore the Veterinary Infirmary should not be established in an atmosphere continually charged with particles destructive to health .
9 For the system to work at all smoothly from their point of view , the estimates of inflation built into the Treasury 's cash target for their department must be accurate .
10 Their functioning must be managed , and this takes management time .
11 As Eva went into the hostels she realised the Salvation Army was not there to turn people into converts , but that their work must be an extension of Christ 's love : " Jesus Christ did n't say to the man who was filled with many devils — the schizophrenic — " If you follow me I 'll cure you .
12 And at the same time their influence must be bounded by other , dominant ISAs .
13 Their symbolism must be ancient .
14 Until then their well-being must be my first concern . ’
15 Whatever the Admiralty 's feelings on the matter , the determination of the shipwrights to cling to their perquisite must be viewed in the context of the long delay in paying wages .
16 And their appearance must be what was considered beautiful .
17 As regards the French , their aim must be to harass the English as best they could , to make their task of governing those parts of France which they controlled , and of conquering those not yet in their hands , as difficult and as expensive as possible .
18 In other words , for practical purposes their aim must be to influence the government rather than to control it — which is what pressure groups are supposed to do .
19 They must stick to the party line , and their Bible must be its manifesto .
20 Not all places are equal , and their siting must be considered in relation to other places to which they look for social , economic , religious or administrative relationships .
21 She wanted to make an impression , to show Hilda quite clearly from the start how much she herself had changed , what their relationship must be now .
22 Since humans have no instincts to direct their actions , their behaviour must be based on guidelines which are learned .
23 Since humans have no instincts , their behaviour must be guided and regulated by norms .
24 ‘ Mr. Mounce is away , so if Mrs. Mounce is in the bath their flat must be empty , and she 's probably left the door open .
25 Yes , er , I have them for those who received that incorrect information from me , I must apologise erm young people who are going as delegates as representatives of their district must be treated as adult representatives and they have to pay full price .
26 Whether they were believers BC , I have no idea , but a corollary to their belief must be , why did ‘ God ’ let them get the disease in the first place ?
27 If habitability and safety are to return to residential streets a balance in their use must be restored , but the established view resists the necessary shift in direction .
28 The likely returns from their use must be estimated as more than their cost .
29 If bound in our Galaxy they must be travelling at around 0.1 per cent the speed of light ; if bound within the Solar System ( as Earth is ) their velocity must be nearer 0–01 per cent that of light .
30 The purchaser 's and the vendor 's accountants are normally the people who are asked to agree the completion accounts and their advice must be sought .
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