Example sentences of "their [noun] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 All five hundred coolies from Number Three Village were drawn up outside their barracks in long ranks ; silent and apprehensive , they were wondering why they had been roused half an hour earlier and why the burly , intimidating figure of the plantation director , Duclos , was waiting to address the massed roll call beneath the single lightpole in the barrack compound .
2 Yields in general will tend to be higher for longer term investments , because lenders require to be compensated for giving up their money for long periods of time .
3 Headless Periplaneta and Schistocerca can be trained to flex their legs for long periods in order to avoid an electric shock .
4 We pray for those who are confined to their homes for long periods .
5 They discovered sweatshops and people working in their homes for long hours trying to erm patch together a very very poor living .
6 This was particularly true for those small communities , small towns , or groups of peasants , who had won their privileges after long struggles against a higher authority .
7 The majority of the indigenous cattle of Scandinavia are naturally polled : it seems that the northern stockmen , who because of the demands of climate needed to house their animals for long periods , appreciated long ago that horns could be awkward at close quarters and it is clear that polled stock were deliberately bred in Scandinavia from early times .
8 A regiment may swap their bows for long bows at an additional cost of +1 point per model .
9 This means the High Elves must rely on their bowmen and their magicians for long range mass slaughter .
10 This season their battle for long distance honours goes world championship again with the action spread from Le Mans in France to Phillip Island in Australia
11 The two principals she served under were men coming to the end of their service after long experience as leaders .
12 Together with inevitable involvement with patients and their families over long periods , this encourages a change of emphasis from diagnosis/treatment/cure to assessment/assistance/care .
13 That is a talent that followed him to the Foreign Office and to the Department of Health , where he helped Ken Clarke take on hospital doctors attacking their tales of long hours as ‘ fishermen 's stories ’ .
14 ‘ A large percentage have spent years hiding their arms under long sleeves and are highly embarrassed by the results of a mistake made years ago .
15 They then harangued their audience with long and complex arguments about the exploitative nature of capitalism and the need for working-class unity which no one , apart from themselves , wanted to hear .
16 Did you notice how their attacker with long hair seemed to crouch down and try to catch the ball every time a ball came near , Fairclough was excellent at marking him , I think they wore the same pair of shorts !
17 And those eyes that seemed to dance and scowl at the same time from beneath their fringe of long dark lashes gave him a restless , unpredictable air .
18 Those that do come are small pallid workers , inching their way in long columns across the floor and down the shafts to collect the moist mud that is needed for further building work .
19 Most prisoners are confined to their cells for long periods of time .
20 Low commented that the British in India spent much of their time on long journeys by rail , and their journeys were ‘ elaborate proceedings , not to be transacted in the casual fashion ’ customary in Europe :
21 So now when our crews came back from their missions and we heard snatches of their conversations about long lines of refugees , about cities being devastated , and miles and miles of fires , I remembered Kings Cross and could only feel pity for what these civilians were now enduring ; French , Dutch , German or whatever .
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