Example sentences of "their [noun] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 But the sight of their debauchery stifled his own , and the knowledge that they were going to end the evening at Madam Rachel 's select brothel , just off the Haymarket , far from exciting him , disgusted him .
2 The subjects accept that someone has authority over them only if their willingness to do his bidding is not conditional on their agreement on the merits of performing the actions required by the authority .
3 ‘ I 'm a woman 's man , ’ Florian returned complacently as their driver eased his slow way out of one of the traffic jams that were a major problem in Taipei .
4 You do this by assessing which of the ‘ stars ’ and their characteristics dominate his house at birth .
5 They were hiding mutual dislikes and rivalries in their over-eagerness to answer his questions .
6 Their grief sharpened his guilt .
7 Cars skimmed past on the Earls Court Road , their headlights drawing his shadow again and again across the back of the booth .
8 The first test of his promise that the bad old days are gone will be the manner in which he treats people like these , who continue to exercise their right to criticise his government .
9 Hating the enemy as he did — it was , after all , their aim to deprive his father of the throne — Cumberland was incensed at seeing them get away .
10 They came almost in ignorance of an often sublime short game — the big attraction was to see him smash a golf ball further than anyone else in the world and their adulation proved his undoing .
11 How can they expect their leader to devote his energy to attacking the Tories when he has to spend time dealing with his own rancorous , ill-disciplined colleagues ?
12 Their therapist expressed his satisfaction with their progress , and pointed out how their efforts were leading to a more rewarding relationship and a general sense of well-being for both of them .
13 Their memories emphasise his intrepid , iconoclastic , and freedom-loving wilfulness .
14 On his deathbed General Franco was attended by 32 doctors , who , in their efforts to delay his end , employed , among other devices , a kidney machine and a respirator , and who performed at least three major abdominal operations , and administered an unknown number of gallons of blood .
15 Many students felt Deng was on their side , for they were not politically sophisticated enough to realise that he was using their movement to attack his opponents and thereby strengthen his own position .
16 Early risers in Middlesbrough had a surprise when their milkman delivered his pintas yesterday .
17 Several fires were burning inside and their smoke stung his throat and eyes .
18 But Wharton 's handlers do not feel the same as they have already made plans for their man to defend his Commonwealth title at Leeds Town Hall on April 8 .
19 They were accused of threatening MPs , bullying one to such an extent he was reduced to tears , and bringing pressure to bear on constituency officials to try to persuade their man to change his mind .
20 They came and their tears salted his nail-holes
21 Classes abandoned by their teachers , children enslaved by their headmaster to do his work and not the school 's and those endless revision classes with or without the benefit of ‘ students ’ guides ' of one sort or another .
22 The assembled kids would have more confidence in him if they continued to believe him a cop , rather that just the old man of one of their number chancing his arm .
23 ‘ By the way , Piper , the patrol that relieved us this morning , one of their number had his leg blown off and has other serious injuries . ’
24 He also — as a by-product of the grant he made to repay the monks for the loss of their plate following his aid to Rufus in 1095 — provided money for the rebuilding of the cathedral choir on a greatly enlarged scale .
25 Dr Neil bent down to take the bloom from her , and as their hands met his heart gave a great lurch .
26 Some thought Meredith Jones a rough , bullying master , picking out the brightest boys to train them up for the scholarship class and by their results inflate his own ego .
27 They called upon their profession to investigate his claims and to include the Alexander Technique in the medical curriculum of trainee doctors .
28 She hardly knew what she was doing , barely realised that she was starting to unbutton his shirt , her fingers trembling in their haste to feel his skin , and he laughed deep in his throat , a glorying , exultantly male sound that thrilled the woman in her .
29 Part of Granta 's secret — on top of its heavyweight marketing and sampling from Viking Penguin 's new titles — is that their compatriot keeps his organ similarly undefiled .
30 Until the two old ladies with their umbrellas shattered his dream , he had walked through the streets of Brighton as if it were his own kingdom , doffing his flat cap to passers-by who could n't help hearing him coming from two blocks away .
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