Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 Erm , he has stripped away from these true selves everything that we normally think of as institute of , of a self .
2 Since 1986 Rytasha has broken away from her guru and set up on her own with a charity called Food Relief International , which raises money from the fiercely competitive matrons of Palm Beach and distributes it to the starving people of Bangladesh .
3 Corgi is trying a new approach and has broken away from the single figure on the cover , giving this one an old master oil painting reproduction which makes it more sophisticated .
4 The comic has travelled far from schoolboy stories of daring-do to sophisticated art form .
5 Pietro has flown in from London and he 's assured me that as soon as the gang make contact the matter will be resolved without further delay .
6 The 26-year-old midfielder has flown home from Italy while recovering from a knee operation to help in the kitchen of his wife Rachel 's Italian restaurant Amici Mia in Wolverhampton .
7 My hon. Friend , who has been courteous and kind in meeting delegations led by me and by other hon. Members to discuss the problem , has pointed out from time to time that the scheme is the responsibility of the county council .
8 But over time the Conservative party divisions on economic policy became less marked , partly because of electoral success and partly because unemployment has fallen steadily from June 1986 .
9 The report made a series of recommendations on increasing CID strength , which has fallen sharply from 10 per cent of the force in 1973 to 7.4 per cent , despite an overall large increase in numbers and a recommendation by Her Majesty 's Inspectorate that provincial CIDs should make up 12.4 per cent of police .
10 The larger ‘ aréolé ’ or Mirandais variety , which has pink mucosae , is nearly extinct and has fallen sharply from about 1,000 in 1979 , mainly through crossing with the Piedmont , the old Garonnais and the black-mucosae variety .
11 The Brasserie , which they had hoped would equal L'Auberge 's trade , has only averaged 60 covers per day , and L'Auberge itself has fallen off from 90 in 1984 to 75 in 1985 .
12 The radical critique has originated both from within medicine , particularly epidemiology , and from sociology .
13 The Government has shied away from forcing unions to discipline members who take part in unofficial action , and has put proposals to curb strikes in essential services on the back burner .
14 In the magazine , the influential journalist and author Gail Sheehy writes : ‘ Hillary boils over at what she perceives as a double standard — that the press has shied away from investigating long-standing rumours about George Bush . ’
15 He has shied away from too many tournaments and has escaped the pressures of London , including his 10-month-old daughter Kiveli to spend long periods with Grandmaster Lubosh Kavalek , his trainer , in Virginia .
16 The Committee has shied away from recommending any sanction more drastic than public censure , such as delisting , for failure to include the statement of compliance , and it is to rely on shareholders to use their influence to ensure compliance with the elements of the code .
17 Add to those characteristics the meticulous almost fussy ways which Anthony has picked up from his father , and you have a close family likeness — yet to Anthony they are almost completely unacknowledged and unrecognised .
18 Here , black has come up from the streets and into the drawing room ; overleaf , neutral tones assert themselves .
19 Physicists know only too well from studying crystalline materials that an understanding of solid-state physics is borne out of a sure knowledge of atomic structure and this has come traditionally from X-ray crystallography .
20 To acknowledge hunger ( which is not a disease but a social illness ) would be tantamount to political suicide among leaders whose power has come traditionally from the same plantation economy that produced that hunger in the first place .
21 THE EXCITING new astronomical knowledge we have gained over the past decade has come largely from satellites .
22 Although the original inspiration for this latest ‘ anti-fashion ’ movement has come largely from London street style ( and not its designers ) , the mood is being nurtured and developed in Paris and northern Europe .
23 A white woman named Jane has come here from London , drawn by the glamour of the Third World , supposing herself to have arrived where the action is , where the ‘ doers ’ are .
24 Information on step-families has come primarily from researchers following up the impact of divorce , practitioners working with divorced parents and step-families , and most recently from step-parents themselves .
25 Help has come partly from donations , but cash for a resistance movement in a drawn out conflict could come from the Kuwait investment office ; it has a hundred billion dollars in foreign assets .
26 Once a call has come through from the police the team initiates a ‘ cascade call ’ system where say , one person is responsible for telephoning six other team members .
27 Ironically , the Halls ' major income in 1992 has come not from audiences but from recording companies .
28 Evidence which also points in the same direction has come not from critics but from within the Kandel group itself .
29 Nobody else has come back from town . ’
30 Seems like somebody else has come back from somewhere too .
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