Example sentences of "has always been [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Along with learning to scuba dive , swim with dolphins , become an astronaut or climb Everest , one of my ambitions has always been to take time out to become really familiar with the business end of a recording studio .
2 Our policy has always been to improve the welfare of the children in the long-term by improving hygiene . ’
3 The aim of all schools of initiation the world over has always been to guide a human mind from an ordinary state of consciousness which is considered as a conscious state of ignorance or illusion , to a higher , more aware , enlightened condition .
4 ‘ It 's taken this long to get over it and , as many good athletes have discovered to their cost , the temptation has always been to carry on training .
5 The idea has always been to link the station with its area .
6 Her philosophy has always been to give her best to the job in hand : " If that is well done everyone will want you on their team . "
7 The government 's aim has always been to attract foreign investment ; only its tactics have changed as the tiny city-state ( 639 sq km ) matures and looks for more sophisticated investors to help it achieve the longed-for ‘ developed nation ’ status by 2030 .
8 But , right from the start , Sir Peter 's wish has always been to attract truly wild birds close enough for people — lots of people — to enjoy .
9 In fact the goal has always been to make newcomers adopt both the language and the values of the white , Anglo majority .
10 The essence of Sunday trading legislation has always been to protect shop workers , who traditionally have always been abused .
11 ‘ Our policy has always been to look after our customers , not alone supplying them with greeting cards , but also providing them with the back-up services , such as merchandising , advertising material and general advice on how to lay out an effective display , ’ he added .
12 The problem with solar problems has always been to convert the sun 's energy efficiently from light into electricity .
13 The primary aim of the Youth Training Programme has always been to provide training with a strong emphasis on the application of skills .
14 Since obtaining its identity as No 412 ( Transport ) Squadron at Rockcliffe on 1 Apr 49 , the principal role of the squadron has always been to provide transportation for high level military and government personnel .
15 The most dangerous aspect of rock ‘ n ’ roll has always been to succumb to the mythical lifestyle that leads down the path of destruction .
16 Erm the policy panel that erm looked at this erm a week before Christmas was erm I hate to disagree with you with Peter we are not exactly unanimous in this views on terminal five and this is reflected in the erm , the Liberal Democrat resolution erm , past policy of this Council has always been to favour expansion at Heathrow rather than of Stansted and we are being asked today to confirm this stance at the forthcoming enquiry and well we 're not faced with an either or situation .
17 But he told the judge : ‘ Her object has always been to secure the payment not just for herself but the little boy George who is a few months old .
18 A traditional concern of the English teacher has always been to develop the ways in which children interpret texts , spoken or written , literary or non-literary , and to increase children 's understanding of how texts convey multiple layers of meaning and meanings expressed from different points of view .
19 The real difficulty has always been to find an alternative to the Hegelian dialectic — difficult because strictly speaking it is impossible , insofar as the operation of the dialectic already includes its negation .
20 Our job has always been to stand just between heaven and earth — to be neither pain nor joy , man nor woman , but to stand beyond the dualities which rule this world .
21 With an unjustified reputation for less than accurate shooting , our best policy has always been to distract the opposition 's concentration on these set pieces .
22 The normal method of construction has always been to build retaining walls between six and ten metres high out of huge basaltic rocks .
23 The business problem in that area has always been to ensure that we provide the maximum amount of service with our products , and that our production costs are as low as anybody else 's .
24 ‘ My target has always been to bring the English title to Ewood Park , and nothing has happened to change that . ’
25 Management 's key objective has always been to introduce a simpler , single status pay and staffing structure , with sufficient flexibility to meet the needs of different parts of AEA .
26 To quote an anonymous source : ‘ The first rule in running prisons has always been to cover your arse .
27 ‘ Our brief has always been to get back to our home ground and stay in the First Division and I think we are capable of achieving both . ’
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