Example sentences of "has do in the " in BNC.

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1 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
2 But more likely is the possibility that it will continue to respond to events , in the way it has done in the past — and there is no guarantee that the evolution Cox envisages will be any more natural than the modernization of Iran seemed to be in the 1970s .
3 Looking at the world , and in particular Europe , today it is hard to see how anything the CIA has done in the past 40 years has significantly affected the map of freedom .
4 County clubs , meanwhile , can help by welcoming former players , be they great or small , and in particular by forming old player associations , as Somerset has done in the last few seasons , as some have been doing for decades .
5 We did not want the ANL to claim credit for the march by swamping it with its placards ( as it has done in the past ) when it played no part in the march 's organisation .
6 That is to say , credit should figure far more prominently in education than it has done in the past .
7 Switchboard as an organization has probably had some effect on more of us , as callers and as volunteers , than any other single campaign or group has done in the recent history of lesbian and gay rights in this country .
8 Since the level of owner-occupation is rising , and the number of future retirees entitled to some form of contributory pension will exceed the current number , it seems likely that private saving will play a greater role in determining the economic status of the elderly in the future than it has done in the past .
9 That may well mean that waste disposal should cost more than it has done in the past .
10 Besides , such a prolific writer could hardly be ignored and his popularity moved through many decades by its own momentum , rather as Enid Blyton 's has done in the middle years of the present century .
11 While in the long term the mother may well be able to obtain employment in Australia , as she has done in the past , understandably it would not be her wish or intention to do so in the short-term .
12 In the reflection phase , the learner stands back and looks at what he has done in the investment phase .
13 I take this opportunity to pay tribute to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for all the work that he has done in the past two and a half years to improve the future and administration of Northern Ireland .
14 The Defence Minister , Moshe Arens , said : " Israel will continue to do what it has done in the past .
15 With uncertain optimism , the report concludes that ‘ if this were to be achieved , we consider that prosperity , once created , could spread in the same way as blight has done in the past ’ .
16 Er , for , for , what N C V O has done in the year .
17 It 's not as though what Kenneth Clarke has done in the Health Service has actually done any good for our hospitals and medical services , and I do n't believe that he has anything to offer education either .
18 The transmitted message contains details of all that the satellite has to do in the next period , in particular to implement the survey .
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