Example sentences of "has [be] that the " in BNC.

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1 One persistent idea has been that the two main moderate right-wing parties , the Rassemblement pour la République and the Union pour la Démocratie Française , must get together if they are to have any chance of regaining power .
2 The significant feature of privatization has been that the transformation has usually been carried out by broadly the same teams that had worked under nationalization .
3 The result has been that the minority Free Democrats ( FDP ) , with only 79 seats in the Bundestag , can maintain their grip on the balance of power for decades .
4 One suggestion has been that the Government would agree to amendments in December 1991 , with the reservation that these would not be binding upon the United Kingdom unless and until they had been ratified and approved by the United Kingdom parliament .
5 Another suggestion has been that the only solution would be the fitting of a Rover SDI engine which I understand would also give much better mpg .
6 The argument has been that the geography of poverty and the geography of voting are interconnected and thus party politics and public policies are interconnected too .
7 Our presumption has been that the police adhere to them .
8 The result has been that the majority of boards produced today fall under the blanket description of being funboards , although there are in fact a number of different designs .
9 The consequence of this has been that the Coal Board has been forced to borrow substantial sums from the National Loans Fund , and from other sources under Treasury Guarantee , to finance the new and redeveloped capacity considered necessary by the NCB .
10 In fact a common complaint over the past decade has been that the high level of data content included in entries for the benefit of cataloguing records has been achieved at the cost of timeliness , and the BNB has certainly lost ground as a selection source for this reason .
11 The only difference has been that the old decisions were about small sums of money and fewer workers , while the decisions today involve vast sums of money and thousands of workers , and also the welfare of their families and other townsfolk .
12 Thirdly , a recurrent theme of much criticism of local government has been that the division and allocation of responsibilities have always been unclear .
13 Their main concern has been that the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — a by-product of our dependence on energy from fossil fuels — could trap infrared radiation near the surface of the Earth and warm the planet through the so-called ‘ greenhouse effect ’ .
14 The paramount mistake has been that the intelligence of the individual has been permitted to be clouded by childhood teaching to such an extent that he has been persuaded that the religious writings came from some other source which renders them inviolate .
15 The conventional wisdom has been that the nature of the job being done by the organisation determines the requisite amount of rules and procedures .
16 The other trend has been that the midfield is more cluttered than it ever was .
17 Although occasionally Dutch finance companies with Antillean parents ( taxed at a turn on the interest in the Netherlands ) are still seen , for the past few years the perceived wisdom has been that the Swiss finance branch structure is superior .
18 The difficulty with so many problems in materials science has been that the algebra and arithmetic , though theoretically soluble , are too laborious to be done by traditional methods .
19 One suggestion has been that the energy output of the Sun itself fluctuates over a long period .
20 Assuming , that is , that its orbit is not anomalous : one intriguing notion has been that the tenth planet does not orbit the Sun in the same plane as all the others ; instead it goes ‘ up and over ’ .
21 One result has been that the price of dumping rubbish has varied widely around the country .
22 MY argument has been that the positions adopted within public law by commentators , advocates , and judges are rooted in certain categories of thought .
23 Perhaps the problem has been that the Americans have adopted Pop Art as a national institution and seen it as exclusively an American product , so I found the inclusion of the German painters , Sigmar Polke and Gerhard Richter , illuminating .
24 Alternatively third party rights in this context could be seen as a particular application of general international law : that State practice of both the treaty States and third parties has been that the canals are open for international navigation , and that there is sufficient opinio juris ( demonstrated by protest to any closure ) to support the view that there is a customary international law of transit through each canal despite their treaty origins .
25 The implication has been that the PSW is one or two computer words long , since ( except for the program counter ) it consists of a number of short processor registers .
26 But the argument of this paper has been that the most effective learning occurs when the child is allowed to take a more active role in the process .
27 Without doubt , one of the most cogent reasons for disaster and dissatisfaction has been that the planning of effective resource-based activities took an inordinate or unacceptable amount of teacher-time in preparation .
28 The result has been that the system of social insurance does not dominate the system of welfare benefits organized by the state .
29 In the present case , the primary argument of the revenue has been that the repayment of sums paid by Woolwich was made by them on a voluntary basis , i.e. that the payment was repaid ex gratia .
30 The result , however , has been that the number of jobs created has been far smaller than the number of jobs lost .
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