Example sentences of "been taken in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The decision , which was officially taken for administrative reasons , was widely considered to have been taken in order to reduce the Cardinal 's strong socially progressive influence based on the doctrine of " liberation theology " .
2 Although it was officially denied , commentators suggested that the decision had been taken in order to settle the lingering controversy surrounding the referendum of 1946 , widely believed to have been rigged by the communists , whereby the monarchy had been abolished .
3 As Principal Buxton , Ernest Gray and others have noted , no account seems to have been taken in government circles in London of the plan for the Hanover school , although Vial , the College 's first professor , does mention it in his Preliminary Discourse .
4 The flowing blood was the symbol and proof that life had been taken in payment for the sins of the guilty and as a substitute for his own guilt-stained life .
5 It would be as if he had never been taken in treason .
6 By the time Robertson sent his signal from AFHQ [ KP 103 ] on the night of 14/15 May , the decision had been taken in principle that the Cossacks in 5 Corps area should be handed over to the Soviet forces .
7 McIntosh is too much the diplomat to say what he really thinks about the firm 's three year spell inside the TSB empire , except to say two things — firstly that he doubts whether it either made or lost much money on its investment , and secondly that Hill Samuel was very supportive once the decision to sell had been taken in principle .
8 The Assembly also expressed concern that no concrete measures had been taken in accordance with the 1989 General Assembly resolution appealing to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties to exclude South Africa from participation in their meetings [ see also p. 37434 ] .
9 The deer were now safe apart from the occasional culling , their role having now been taken in modem times by the unfortunate fox .
10 ‘ It has been taken in response to market research indicating that the majority of viewers are no longer interested in football results . ’
11 This decision has been taken in response to fears that the spur road would give rise to increased traffic flows in Duddingston Park South and the Niddrie/Bingham areas .
12 Nevertheless , commentators assessed that the decision to revise the price rises had been taken in response to the strikes and street protests which they had provoked , notably in the normally conservative and politically tranquil Byelorussia .
13 The US State Department said that the decision had been taken in response to " positive steps " by Vietnam on the MIA issue as well as Vietnam 's continued support for the Cambodian peace plan .
14 It is not advisable for an expatriate and family to arrive in Britain without some steps having been taken in advance to arrange accommodation .
15 In consequence , it is clearly important that the average constituent/consumer has ample opportunity for expressing any dissatisfaction with decisions which have been taken in relation to them .
16 If Hazel had been a human being he would have been expected to introduce his companions one by one and no doubt each would have been taken in charge as a guest by one of their hosts .
17 Letter to Director of Highways expressing concern that no action has been taken in connection with the request for a footpath between Baberton Mains Wood and Baberton Mains Hill .
18 Mr Lee stood firmly by the decisions that had been taken in collaboration with members of the RSSPCC , who had been involved from the beginning in the disclosure work with the eight W children who 'd been taken away then .
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