Example sentences of "been the [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I might have been the butterfly I 'd watched enmeshed on the hanging geranium in Auntie 's backyard .
2 And it 's never been the road it was .
3 Nor has it always been the chub which were taken from the bottom ; several times the barbel have been on the bottom and the chub hovering above them .
4 The SD station at Kitzingen in Lower Franconia , for example , which in its special report directly on the speech had declared that ‘ the rumours about the Führer are presumably disposed of ’ mentioned in its regular report a few days later that some workers had been heard saying that , from the speed and tone of voice , it had not been the Führer himself , but a substitute who had spoken , and Hitler himself had suffered such a shock from Stalingrad that he had to be kept under closely guarded house arrest on the Obersalzberg .
5 It had been Campion Price , her father , who , disappointed that his firstborn had not been the male he 'd intended naming after his own father , had insisted she bore the feminine version of that name — Georgina .
6 It had been the hope which had kept her going through the dawn and early morning .
7 It had not been the Army which first noticed her disappearance , but an old Resistance colleague .
8 It 's just that while we 've been together it 's been the activity you 've indulged in most .
9 ‘ It 's a sad fact that Celtic have taken advantage of their top players , ’ he claimed , in his ghost-written biography , ‘ The kind of players who have supported Celtic and been really loyal to the club have been the ones who have suffered the most . ’
10 It was only natural that the two artist-writers , Gleizes and Metzinger , should have been the ones who were forced into a position of compromise between the two poles of abstraction and representation .
11 But er interestingly , the Americans have just put er more tax on to their gas for , for different reasons admittedly , and er the environmentalists er always feel happy about that because they 've been the ones who 've been telling us for years that er petrol is if anything underpriced , and that we 're rather profligate in the way that we use it , so er at least some people are happy out of this , not everybody , but it , but er it 's making some people happier .
12 He told MPs rising unemployment of the recession have been the price we have had to pay to get inflation down .
13 And in Amabel 's experience it had always been the wife who complained of it , Ethel Lord , for instance , fretting herself into a decline , or very nearly , when her husband had taken to spending so much time in Leeds ; Maria Colclough turning to religion because her man emerged so rarely from his counting house ; even strident Lizzie Braithwaite complaining that she had been neglected for the sake of the business .
14 Since the Muslims turned back from Tours in the eighth century , the decisions made in Europe had increasingly been the decisions which altered the history of the world .
15 After all , he had not been the ogre she had expected him to be .
16 A feature of the role has been the opportunity it has provided for closer liaison between the Catholic Education Commission and the Department of Education .
17 Part of the ideology of a healthy village community has been the pride which the inhabitants have traditionally shown in their village 's unique qualities .
18 At home Madame , if referred to at all , had always been the person who had been derided .
19 It gave the name of a contact point to follow up information , although some of us had reservations about whether it should have been the person who was actually quoted in the press release
20 And perhaps the drum beat had been the noise which had excited Scathach .
21 Such has been the treat which here has occassionally fallen to the share of the writer , who has witnessed every appearance on this mountain 's side , from the pretty timid water spout to the mighty roaring cataract .
22 All she had taken out of Ireland when she had fled had been the money she had made there and her trade — and her trade was that of a Madam .
23 To only a few had he been the devil who gloated over their private grief .
24 If it had been the Chinese who engulfed the world in a wide-embracing economic system , we might well have found ourselves using jade rather than gold as a symbol of supreme value .
25 To which I replied , ‘ This is not the substance of what he said , and if it had been the substance he would have divided the Cabinet ’ ' ( 15 December 1964 ) .
26 ‘ So it could have been the headmaster who — ? ’
27 In the last thirty years , however , it has increasingly been the lawyers who have projected the legal solution to those who were previously estranged .
28 Alternatively , in some countries previously without a daily paper it has been the government which has started one : there would probably be no daily newspaper in the Central African Republic , Botswana , Niger , Mauritania or Chad had each of these countries ' governments not decided to finance one .
29 If this had been the case I may possibly have been offered some cosmetic surgery , but this wo n't happen because it 's a natural part of pregnancy .
30 There was a finding that the contractors were at fault with regard to the old shafts , but it is not clear that they should have realised that their conduct would affect the plaintiff 's land and even if this had been the case there would have been a serious issue at that times whether the defendant was liable for the negligence of his contractor .
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