Example sentences of "been there [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have been there many times and had many unshakeable criticisms , which now have , of course , been shaken . ’
2 But I know that part of the country and have been there many times .
3 He had been there many times before .
4 ‘ I should like that very much , but you must have been there many times before . ’
5 I have been there many times , both for business and for pleasure . ’
6 M I mean , let's be fair I mean most of the stallholders that I 've found in Nottinghamshire erm are perfectly honest and reputable and many of them been there many years anyway .
7 If I was on the streets of Ireland now , and I 've been there many occasions and someone said to me , look at that Welsh get there , I would just have to take it .
8 They went to : Doreen Bethwaite of High Road , Kells , who works in the preparation department and has been there 45 years .
9 The Manager of Managers had been there thirty years .
10 It 's just a little shop , she 's been there years , she must have been there thirty years at least .
11 Cos I say she 's been there thirty years so she must do alright , everybody knows
12 and they 'd both been there thirty years since they 've left school
13 As Rachel reached her flat and let herself in she found herself trying to remember whether David had been there that evening when her mother had sent for her .
14 She did n't turn up , so of course I then telephoned her office and found she had n't been there that week .
15 He had n't been there that morning and now she had run him to earth in the café .
16 Cos I 'd been there that morning
17 But they had a new headmaster oh he 's just retired , he 's been there been there since Lynn was there when since she was since the er she 's twice that age so I mean he must have been there eighteen years but when he went there he 's er totally the school from the word go
18 The Manageress there erm I was there and she , I , after I 'd been there eighteen months , she had a heart attack and the girl took up her tea tray , one of the girls took up her , because she was n't on duty till about just quarter to six to do the money .
19 You 've only been there eighteen months while I 've known it all my life .
20 And I bloody well know that when we you know , first moved there and we 're in the caravan she had n't asked him and they 'd already been there eighteen months !
21 When one prisoner who had been there six months found his wife was about to have a baby , he was taken by the turnkey to the room of a shabby man dressed in a torn and darned rough-weather sea jacket who had once been a surgeon on a passenger ship but was now ‘ a ghastly medical scarecrow ’ , Dr Haggage .
22 Yeah , when I started in nineteen thirty one and in those days you got a rise every six months and I got a one and three rise after they 'd been there six months and at the year I was earning seventeen and six .
23 I 've been there six months now .
24 And I 'd been there four year , really , wipe shit from her arse every morning
25 But she had only been there four months when she fell prey to supervisor Brian McConville who subjected her to a harrowing sexual harassment ordeal .
26 I 've only been there five minutes , ’ Maggie protested .
27 He 's been there five days now .
28 Well I do n't know , just er , I do n't know really , I do n't want to mind cos he 's been there five years , so if he does get made redundant he 's got a chance of getting a little bit of money , not a lot , but it would help .
29 I had been there nine times previously , but I supposed it was the same as your time as a baby — you could not remember a thing about it .
30 You 've been there nine years then .
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