Example sentences of "been tell [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Although they had been told to counter this objection with the fact that this was a single instance or two of older machines and new machines could be serviced almost immediately , this did not altogether convince a potential customer and it was felt that many sales had been lost .
2 Your back was patted ( not stabbed ) and you 've just been told to invest some company money in some brand new metal .
3 If he s standing on the half way line — picking his arse there s a good chance that he s not been told to do that .
4 Although he had been told to do this on some goddamned boring management course , the sergeant did it instinctively .
5 A fifty bed cottage hospital is under threat as G Ps have been told to spend more time in their surgeries .
6 I 've been told to change these procedures to .
7 Pupils received a pat on the back for satisfactory learning and community work but heads have been told to review some management and teaching methods .
8 Fortunately her mother had been told to expect this and the reason for it was explained .
9 MEMBERS of the management team at Aberdeen Central Branch have been told to eat less and exercise more if they want to live to a ripe old age !
10 Other ones here , an anonymous call from Birmingham , I have been beaten up weekly by my ex-husband because he 's been told to pay more .
11 About eighty per cent of the users are students and they 've normally been told to read this , or read that , or read the other , and if they now use one of our computer terminals , which has got a little video screen on the top and a little keyboard , they can look up the books , they can look them up by title , by the title of the book as well as by the traditional author approach , and when they 've found it the computer tells them how many copies are in the library , or whether they 're all on loan .
12 About eighty per cent of the users are students , and they 've normally been told to read this , or read that , or read the other and if they now use one of our computer terminals , which has got a little video screen on the top and a little keyboard , they can look up the books .
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