Example sentences of "been make be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Some cases in which progress has been made are discussed in the next chapter .
2 Details of any reductions that have been made are held in enquiry screen four .
3 The apportionment , usually expressed in percentage terms , operates with the same penalty as in the normal Tender , viz. that in the event that after Proof the party to whom the Tender has been made is found liable for a greater proportion of the claim than was offered to him , then that party becomes responsible for the Tenderer 's expenses from the date when the Tender was lodged .
4 In Webster v Higgin [ 1948 ] 2 All ER 127 a clause which provided that " no warranty is given " did not prevent a statement which had previously been made being construed as an express warranty .
5 The careful diplomacy with which this point has been made was undermined when the New York Times reported an off-the-record comment at the Brussels meeting suggesting that Mr Clinton ‘ feels the compulsion to do something but does not actually want to get involved . ’
6 On 22 January 1990 the possession order which had been made was set aside .
7 Because this seems to be largely a ‘ negative ’ result , in the sense that differences in the secretion of acid and pepsin were not discovered , the confidence that a type II error ( a false negative ) has not been made was estimated .
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