Example sentences of "been [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It must have been the time of the miners ' strike and the three-day week , though the chronology is all a blur now .
2 This would also have been the time for naked women on horseback to lead the community out into the fields , bearing symbols of fertility to ensure a plentiful harvest .
3 He would not talk about it , and you knew not to ask more , but you realised that it must have been the time in his life when he most resembled himself .
4 Going to sleep or opening a book : an old garden , a childish fear , a face seen casually and quickly forgotten , would take possession of my mind as if there had been no time between .
5 While studying spinning in Huddersfield ( as part of her degree course in textile design at Middlesex Polytechnic ) there had been no time for her to try out the machine , so the then sceptical technician told her to come back later .
6 As there had been no time for it to be considered , the hearing was adjourned until November 1990 .
7 There had been no time for a cup of coffee and she 'd eaten nothing the night before , going straight to her cabin .
8 There would have been no time for another member of the crew to try to take over the controls .
9 For he could not have had to look far for whatever it might be , there had been no time for that .
10 It was first love — there had been no time for earlier romance because Nicandra was only eight on April 8th 1904 .
11 I 'm not sure whether , you see I think the management time issue is very related to this , but I think it 's a separate issue , it 's a major concern I 've got at the moment that there is , I mean I know everybody 's got their own arguments but there has been no time at ever in the future that anybody who goes back further than twenty years in the service can recall , where York has had such a small amount of management time as it 's
12 There has been no time in British history when this has ever occurred , although from time to time insurrectionary events , such as the Jacobite risings and Chartism , have appeared to threaten the Establishment .
13 If they have been able to discuss things with the person who is dying , if there has been a time of preparation , then the shock of facing the loss caused by death is perhaps not so great .
14 The past year has been a time of consolidation for various initiatives recently commenced in the RSUA .
15 These two hundred and thirty miles on the road should have been a time for strengthening bonds and for unifying our resolve , but I felt continually at cross-purposes with him .
16 There would have been a time for such a word .
17 There had been a time in the seventh century when Anglo-Saxon kings with many men 's death on their consciences went to Rome to die in penitential garb .
18 As the protagonist in Kafka 's Conversation with a Suppliant confessed : ‘ There has never been a time in which I have been convinced from within myself that I am alive . ’
19 There has never been a time in economic history when comparative advantage was less static .
20 However , general relativity claims to be only a partial theory , so what the singularity theorems really show is that there must have been a time in the very early universe when the universe was so small , that one could no longer ignore the small-scale effects of the other great partial theory of the twentieth century , quantum mechanics .
21 ‘ Our message is that there has never been a time like this to pick up a bargain , ’ a spokeswoman said .
22 There must have been a time before Fenna , just as there must have been a time before words , but Maggie can not not conceive of either .
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