Example sentences of "been [adj] because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think I 've been rather more fortunate , the two branch managers I 've had er , before , I 'd not had long enough , er , both have given albeit not regular , but feedback both positive and negative , er , when you 're doing a good job and when you 're doing a bad job , and er , in all honesty , it 's probably the appraisal itself , that 's actually been unnecessary because of their feedback they 're given me during the year , because the appraisal is just a formal repetition of what 's already been said .
2 No one knows whether river dolphins were once more abundant or whether their numbers have always been low because of their restrictive and specialised habitat .
3 However , yields have always been low because of the climate .
4 Selection bias should also have been low because of the high rate of follow up .
5 The investigators found no evidence that the Maya returned to the San Antonio locality to farm during Classic times , which , they suggest would probably have been impractical because of increased coastal flooding .
6 Many of the new innovations have only been possible because of the company 's commitment to total quality management ( TQM ) .
7 That has only been possible because of the combined effort by the whole BNFL team , led so effectively by our outstanding Chief Executive , Neville Chamberlain .
8 The documents are the longest surviving series of such records in Britain but a third of them have been unusable because of their delicate state .
9 An aspect of the purported effects of the political system is the policy co-option argument — that the extreme right , at least in recent years , has been unsuccessful because of the ease with which some of its appeals ( or some attenuated version of them ) can be adopted by major parties , after the former parties have shown themselves unable to break into the political system .
10 so far this year , packed chlorine sales are running at 160% of budget and ICI Watercare have been able to supply new overseas markets which had previously been impossible because of the shortage of packages .
11 Her early education had been poor because of the misconception amongst her teachers that language ability and intelligence were somehow different facts of a single concept , and it was only in later life , with the help of her husband , that she 'd been able to make up on the intellectual deprivation of those early years .
12 As for Unix , here Cognos has been able to make use of third parties ( it has no direct sales force for Unix products ) but says the going has been tough because of the recession as a PowerHouse Unix sale tends to occur with the new purchase of a Unix box with applications .
13 For sexually active people outside a long-term monogamous relationship , safe sex has always been important because of the danger of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) — most commonly genital warts , syphilis and gonorrhoea .
14 Even if subject searches are initiated at the catalogue , it has been found that users look for a shelf number location and proceed to the shelves to continue their subject search.1536 The inadequacies of library catalogues in supporting subject access have thus been tolerable because of the open-access tradition of Anglo-American libraries , which encourages the direct shelf approach for subject searching .
15 But this would have been difficult because of the problem of creating the ideal pre-birth environment .
16 There is no doubt that the early growth of trade unionism was a major influence in establishing the possibility of a cohesive bond between undertakings which otherwise would have been difficult because of their commercial rivalry .
17 ‘ The last two years have been difficult because of the effects of the Gulf War and recession .
18 So many amputations had been necessary because of the lack of facilities for sophisticated vascular surgery .
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