Example sentences of "been [adj] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 She felt heavy-lidded and drowsy , as if she had been asleep for a week .
2 He wondered whether he 'd been asleep for a while , or just deep in thought .
3 ‘ You must have been asleep for a very long time , ’ he said .
4 ‘ It feels like I 've been asleep for a long , long time .
5 You 've been asleep for a long time . ’
6 This fairy castle in the clouds has been asleep for a hundred years and the briars are beginning to take over .
7 You have been asleep for the past two hours . ’
8 Iain Ogilvy McWhirter ( Senior English and Religious Instruction ) had been asleep for the past ten minutes , but Tom Tedder ( Art and Woodwork ) said ‘ Arrgh ’ through closed lips , and that seemed to do well enough .
9 I 've been asleep for an hour .
10 I had been poorly for a while and could n't eat and the doctor thought it may be appendicitis so he sent me to Darlington Hospital .
11 In fact , the revenue has been stable for the last three years .
12 It would have been opportune for the committee to examine the whole purpose and function of A levels , to see whether they were needed at all ; or whether , if retained , they should be radically changed .
13 TWO British actresses , Elizabeth Hurley and Lysette Anthony , have been short-listed for the leading female role in Gone With The Wind II : Scarlett .
14 Newark 's recently-completed Avro Anson C.19 VL348 has been short-listed for an award in the Scania Transport Trust Award Scheme .
15 He had been dry for the past twenty years .
16 Since it has been weak for the past two months , calling for cheaper money is as irrelevant as wanting trees to blossom in an Arctic winter .
17 Britain 's best performance was produced by Paul Evans , the Barcelona Olympics reserve , who finished fifth in 2–10–36 , 13 places ahead of Steve Brace ( 2–14–11 ) , who has been pre-selected for the Games .
18 the cabin is smart and modern , and the panel well-stocked … but we would have been grateful for an autopilot .
19 We have also been grateful for the messages of sympathy from people who did not know Paul but were moved by the manner of his death .
20 The IBOA is very conscious of the fact that this issue has been outstanding for a considerable length of time and it is hoped that the proposals will pave the way for a speedy resolution to the problem .
21 In certain circumstances it might have been preferable for a beneficiary to have a real action , in which case he would press for interpretation as a legacy .
22 Thick weathering mantles will only form in regions of minimal local relief where rates of erosion have been low for a prolonged period .
23 Without this control it would have been possible for a Committee with a bondholding minority to make bad decisions to the cost of the Bondholders .
24 Under these circumstances , it would have been possible for a ship sailing south from Thera to dock at Dia , unload and set sail again for destinations to the east or west .
25 If it had been possible for a bird to stop still with surprise in the air , and stay exactly where it was , that rook would have done it then .
26 It would even have been possible for the Secretary of State to have a reserve power to insist on ever more names from which to choose .
27 It would not have been possible for the long progression towards the perfect physical being , to have ever occurred at all , if it were encumbered by the constraints of compassion , an emotion which , by the very nature of evolution was completely non-existent before the dawn of civilisation .
28 Had the House of Lords retained the power to block the Commons utterly , and particularly had it not been possible for the Labour administration of 1945–51 force through its nationalisation policies by using the Parliament Act procedure to amend the 1911 Act , it is likely that the House of Lords would have been abolished .
29 So it would have been possible for the GMC to try to challenge the basis of clinical ecology .
30 A text frequently has a much wider variety of interpretations imposed upon it by analysts studying it at their leisure , than would ever have been possible for the participants in the communicative interaction which gives rise to the ‘ text ’ .
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