Example sentences of "been [adj] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 Must have been bloody moulded and everything .
2 About that time , Kitsons had been supplying 0-4-2s and 0-6-2s of similar dimensions , to the Mid Wales Railway , later Cambrian Railways , and also 0-6-0s to the Great Northern , Midland and Rhymney Railways .
3 For the Church of the fourth century , there would almost certainly have been some rueful and grudging admission that Constantine was a Messiah who had succeeded where Jesus had failed , and that the Messiah as represented by both Constantine and Jesus was indeed a military and political figure — not a god , but a king with a mandate to govern .
4 They had never been this alone and this close together , and there was just no way not to be intensely aware of him .
5 His home and car had been fire- bombed and Mr Reynolds had been attacked in the past .
6 There have been many Western and Soviet studies of religious belief per se , and of the interaction in Soviet history between an atheist regime and a highly religious peasantry , but scant reference is made to socio-economic views and actions derived from religion that had ultimate political repercussions .
7 There must have been some great stars and some ecstatic moments in those cosy halls but there must also have been many second- and third-rate performers , constant recourse to stereotypes , excessive repetition , and buckets of sentimentality .
8 Although only a few churches were listed in Domesday Book for Sussex , there must have been many more and the growth of towns and Wealden colonisation saw the establishment of a fixed parish system by the early thirteenth century .
9 That would have been good interesting and funny .
10 The American Communist Party at its peak in the Thirties might have been 100,000 strong and dominated several labour unions .
11 I have been married three and a half years , and the last year has been very difficult .
12 Oh all of my stuff has been up in the loft it 's like you say , I mean if they 've been double wrapped and everything and you wash them
13 The restaurant had been double booked and when the two parties had met there had been a scene akin to the opening of World War Three until Frau Nordern , at her most imperious , and with the additional , strategic advantage that her husband was a state official and the opposition merely clerks from the Centrum store , cowed the manager and routed the clerks .
14 She was er I mean was a pop s ex pop singer , I 'd only just stopped singing a few weeks before I started to work with Sybil and she could not have been more gracious and generous in helping me get through it .
15 Fingerspelling has been available longer and there have been studies of it .
16 Now , I mean there 's no way they can say the money does n't go in and the last couple of months it 's been nine hundred and fifty pound , rather than seven hundred and fifty !
17 erm , I think it 's in the future care , I rather think that perhaps the future care ought to have been five hundred and nineteen , not five hundred and seventeen
18 I may even have said in the spirit of the joke that it had been one hundred and fifty-six whores , for all the world as though it was of an obsessive importance for the actual number to be known with absolute accuracy !
19 Initially these had been one hundred and seventy-five men and twenty-five horses laying claim to an empire of fourteen million .
20 And in fact it 's grown to twenty areas in the intervening thirty odd years , so that 's not bad emp empire building really is it ? thought it might have been one hundred and forty eight by now but it 's not .
21 Photographs of that time show him to have been clean shaven and crisply dressed .
22 Nevertheless , although the misuse of judicial interrogation is now only a distant history , it seems to have left its mark on public perceptions of the entire subject : and indeed not just public perceptions , for in the recent past there have been several authoritative and eloquent judicial reminders of the abuses of our former inquisitorial system and of the need to guard against their revival .
23 She would have reacted in exactly the same way if she had been stone-cold sober and standing in a bare room under a fluorescent light .
24 Long hair has been spiral permed and diffuser dried for this look
25 Hair has been spiral tonged and each curl separated with wax .
26 But the industry feels there have been enough new and creative uses of the medium for the lack of recognition to become suspicious .
27 Technically , however , there had been two major and significant improvements .
28 The system has been flexible and robust enough to respond to changing conditions and circumstances , and there has been sufficient political and institutional stability with regard to attitudes towards , and assumptions about , planning during much of the period to give some measure of consistency to public policies and programmes .
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