Example sentences of "been [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As for the tabloids , additions to the range of publications have either been arm's-length extensions of existing publishing groups ( Today , 1986 — ) or born out of existing publishing houses ( Mail on Sunday , 1983 — , Star , 1978 ) .
2 Tekere alleged that four of his supporters had been killed in Harare , and that others had been harassed ; he also claimed there had been administrative irregularities in the polling .
3 In my village there had been historic upheaval over such questions as whether it was right that hymns should be sung in the House of God .
4 For the last six years he has been assistant curate at St. Barnabas ' Church in Linthorpe , Middlesbrough , and he will be instituted as vicar of Saltburn in July .
5 Johnson , who had been assistant coach with the national under-21 team , is now the backs ' mentor with Scotland ‘ B ’ as well as succeeding Dixon as Glasgow 's district coach .
6 Dick had been assistant editor of the New Statesman from 1938 to 1955 and , as has already been explained , was no friend of the leading men of the Labour party in the years after the War .
7 There has been scanty analysis of either the individual members of the household 's different structural relationship to housing , or of households that do not comply with the nuclear family model .
8 ‘ HAVE been sweating blood over the question of what is right and feasible to do .
9 I could have understood it in Cottee 's case if he had been sweating blood for Everton .
10 We have been very pleased that in the intervening months , when there has been ample opportunity for discussion and feedback , considerable support for this scheme has been forthcoming .
11 Daly stressed the narrowness of most reefs and showed , from examples where the rate of reef growth is known , that there had been ample time in the Post-glacial period for the growth of modern reefs .
12 Again , it would have been professional suicide for a civil servant to describe the indignities of derangement and to represent himself as having been mad , unless the facts were as well known to his colleagues and masters as he says they were ; while to try , on the other hand , to put his known condition in a better light , as Hoccleve does , is sensible only if the fact of his illness was well known but his recovery less well recognised , which is what he claims .
13 Given that our Association had been 75 years outside the wider Trade Union Movement , our Delegates were concerned at what type of reception they might receive from the Conference .
14 I mean I think to a , I think to a degree we always have been fifty sort of thing when the rock 'n' roll started to come over then again you see for we , we look little one .
15 she 's not going to this year , she 's erm , in Ruxley there , there was a little pot of seed that had been sowed and they were ready for pricking out , and er one little pot I think was ninety eight P , but there must of been fifty plants in there easily
16 Robertson 's drive over the bar and Klinsmann 's shot , astutely blocked by Walker , ensured that there would have been adolescent opposition to the idea of an early exit while there was so much to appreciate .
17 For goods , there had been tariff-free trade in manufactures since 1972 , but non-tariff barriers would now be removed .
18 There has been conflicting evidence concerning the occurrence of DGR in both normal controls and in association with gastric ulcers .
19 There have been conflicting reports about much of the 36-year-old bachelor 's background .
20 There have been conflicting reports of raised levels of neutralising , circulating antibodies to adenovirus 12 in coeliac disease patients .
21 There have been conflicting reports concerning the form of gastrin that is increased in H pylori infection .
22 There had been conflicting opinions by individual judges on whether injuries must be sustained by a living person before next-of-kin could sue .
23 Men had only ever been pleasant pastimes in her full and varied life .
24 Recently there have been confusing reports about just who is at risk and what the statistics prove .
25 The systematic study of a non-standard system , however , supports the argument that there could have been orderly variation in EModE involving merger and reversal patterns of /a/ and /Ε/; ( or /α/); in certain consonantal environments , and suggests that the usual account of the history of /a/ ( fronting to [ ae ] and subsequent split into two RP phonemes ) is oversimplified .
26 There had been rich Christians before the time of Constantine , there had been educated or upper-class people to be found in Christian communities , and in growing numbers during the century before Constantine .
27 By any normal standards , the Al Fayed brothers had been rich men for perhaps a decade or even two .
28 As we drove back to the airport Smith said that at the end of the war he had been executive officer at a naval air base in California , and that one of the officers there had been a certain Lieutenant Richard Milhous Nixon .
29 Trade and Industry Secretary Navarro was the head of an accounting firm , while Agrarian Reform Secretary Garilao had been executive director of the Philippine Business for Social Progress , a business-funded foundation established to undertake community projects .
30 An invigoratingly stormy relationship was in the making and if Nicholson had been gossip-column fodder at the time , the writers would have had a field day .
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